
EarSeeds Review – The Latest Ear Acupressure for Natural Pain Relief Research

EarSeeds are a metal accessory that users can wear on their ears to receive help from acupressure, alleviate pain, and reduce anxiety, among other things. The accessory is easy to wear, and consumers have their choice of two precious metals.

What are EarSeeds?

Everyone wants to find the best and easiest ways to keep their body healthy. They watch their diet and exercise, but there are still plenty of ways that consumers need to ensure they support their health. Therapeutic methods can bring calmness to many different issues, even when it comes to pain. Acupressure, for instance, may seem like a holistic method without much basis, but a lot of scientific evidence supports it.

One of the places where consumers have many pressure points is the ear. That makes the ear the prime spot to help with many health issues with just a little bit of pressure in the right way. EarSeeds provide a way to channel this support for the nervous system and the nerve endings to improve pain management. It lasts a long time, helping the body naturally release endorphins effectively.

In the healthcare industry, there is no shortage of solutions for pain, which is one of the big reasons consumers struggle to find the right one. Periodically using medication puts them at severe risk of becoming addicted, and they only have to increase the dosage to get the relief consumers need.

Try EarSeeds for anxiety and pain relief – shop today!

How Do EarSeeds Work?

The secret to EarSeeds’ effectiveness is nothing new. Acupressure has been used in natural medicine for years, and applying it to a microsystem that has such a wide reach to the rest of the body is one of the easiest ways to alleviate pain. Acupressure requires much less invasiveness than acupuncture but activates the nervous system with different pressure points. Depending on where EarSeeds are, they can help with anxiety, weight loss, pain, and other common concerns.

While acupressure is still relatively new to the average consumer, EarSeeds results from years of studying and testing different options for this effect. So far, thousands of people have improved their symptoms by wearing them daily. While they are not a replacement for any therapy or medication, consumers find they are a good compliment because they do not interact with the digestive system as medications do.

The key to getting support from EarSeeds is placing them in the right spot. Consumers can refer to the manual to find the benefits they want to experience, placing the seed in the right spot for the pressure point. Once the effects settle in, most consumers fuel relief for up to 24 hours.


Purchasing EarSeeds

If consumers want to see how well this EarSeeds acupressure system works, they can only go to the official website to gain access. Users will choose either stainless steel or 24-karat gold for the material, though the selected metal does not affect how well EarSeeds works.

Consumers can buy one or more boxes per order. Each box has 40 seeds, allowing consumers to stock up on multiple months at a time. Only available through the creators directly, consumers have their choice of:

  • One box for $29.95
  • Three boxes for $79.90
  • Five boxes for $119.85

As a further incentive, the creators offer free shipping to anyone who orders at least three boxes at a time. Users will have to pay a shipping fee if they are only ready to commit to one box right now. A 30-day guarantee covers all orders. If you aren’t happy with your purchase please get in touch with customer service for more information about the return policy or any other questions you may have.

  • Email: support@earseeds.com

Frequently Asked Questions About EarSeeds

Q: Why are EarSeeds effective?

A: EarSeeds aims to help consumers get the relief that acupressure can offer. It allows users to take advantage of acupressure to support good health. It targets the user’s nerve endings, helping consumers with everything from weight loss to anxiety.

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Q: How long do EarSeeds last?

A: When placed on clean, dry skin, they should stay on the ear for at least two days without needing to be reapplied. Some consumers find that they last up to four days.

Q: How long do users need to wait to apply the next set of EarSeeds?

A: If EarSeeds managed to stay on for an entire week, users should remove them and wait up to 24 hours (but no less than 8 hours) before they put on a new set.

Q: Is it safe to store EarSeeds if the user is not wearing them right away?

A: Consumers do not have to worry about this accessory losing its support because they are shelf stable for up to two years.

Q: How long do users have to have EarSeeds on to ensure they work?

A: Effectiveness is entirely based on the severity of the user’s struggles with different health issues and how quickly they are able to find the pressure points described in the included manual. While some people find that pain subsides rather quickly, others take a few days to experience the same effects.

Q: What is the right way to put on EarSeeds?

A: The only way to get the effectiveness of these accessories is to go to the chart included with the purchase. This chart shows the pressure points on the ear and where to place them. Most people only need a mirror, while others request help from a friend.

Q: How are the gold and stainless-steel options different?

A: While both options provide the acupressure experience consumers want, the only difference is how users want to look while wearing them. Consumers who prefer silver can choose stainless steel, while others can choose 24-karat gold.

Save on EarSeeds when you order now!

Q: Are users supposed to wear EarSeeds on both ears?

A: While it is possible to wear them on both ears, consumers should avoid overwhelming their bodies by using them in too many ways at once. The creators explained that the only exception to this rule is consumers who are experiencing pain on only one side of their body. They should refer to the included chart to figure out the right place to put it.

Q: How long do users have to wait for their order to arrive?

A: Once the order is placed, it can take up to 48 hours to leave the warehouse. Once it ships, users receive their order within three to five business days. International shipping takes much longer.

Q: What if the user is not happy with the results of EarSeeds?

A: All orders come with a money-back guarantee covering the first 30 days after the purchase. To contact the customer service team with any other questions or concerns, message support@earseeds.com. The team is located in Las Vegas, NV.


EarSeeds provide a unique and helpful way to relieve pain without putting the body through the stress of medication. There is no risk that users will build up a tolerance; anyone can place them on their ears for support. Consumers will need to pay attention to the included chart to place the seeds properly, but they will not risk any side effects. Consumers get 40 seeds per box, and they need to follow the complete instructions to ensure they get the relief they hope for. With a money-back guarantee and quick shipping, consumers will soon know if acupressure is the way to relieve their aches and pains.

Visit the official website to learn more today!


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