
Christ Consciousness Code Review: What Is Your God Given Abundance Antenna?

The Christ Consciousness Code is a package of digital products designed to unlock your “God-given abundance antenna.”

According to the creators, listening to the Christ Consciousness Code audio files daily can purportedly “manifest unlimited abundance on autopilot” using a secret code traced back to the Roman Empire.

Keep reading in our review to learn everything you need to know about the Christ Consciousness Code and how it works today.

What is the Christ Consciousness Code?

The Christ Consciousness Code is a series of audio files Peter Palmer and his team created.

According to the manufacturer, the program aims to help anyone “manifest unlimited abundance directly from God.”

No matter your age, background, or experience, you can listen to the Christ Consciousness Code audio files and create new and exciting opportunities for yourself. The program is based on Biblical wisdom that has been lost for centuries but recently discovered to work in the 21st century.

The Christ Consciousness Code is exclusively available online and priced at $39. All purchases come with a 365-day money-back guarantee.


Christ Consciousness Code Benefits

Some of the benefits of the Christ Consciousness Code include:

  • Easy-to-use, daily audio files
  • Manifest unlimited abundance
  • Strengthen your connection to God using daily audio files
  • It comes with a bundle of bonus audio files worth over $250
  • Based on a recently-discovered 2,000+ year old secret from Jesus himself
  • Backed by a 365-day satisfaction guarantee

How Does the Christ Consciousness Code Work?

The Christ Consciousness Code is based on the idea that your spine is a direct connection to God.

Peter Palmer, creator of the Christ Consciousness Code, describes your spine as an “abundance antenna.” You can purportedly attract wealth, happiness, and health by activating this antenna.

Peter designed the Christ Consciousness Code specifically to help activate your abundance antenna using audio files. Listening to these audio files daily purportedly manifests unlimited wealth and abundance.

The audio files in the Christ Consciousness Code claim to target “neurons located in your spinal cord.” Neurons, or nerve cells, transmit messages throughout your body. According to Peter, by activating your abundance antenna, you can optimize the flow of these neurons to attract abundance in an “effortless” way.

Unlock Unlimited Abundance Today with Christ Consciousness Code!

Who Created the Christ Consciousness Code? About Peter Palmer

To understand how the Christ Consciousness Code works, it helps to understand Peter Palmer’s background and how he discovered the program.

Peter was an ordinary 33-year-old man facing a spiritual crisis. He had become an atheist, and he no longer believed in religion.

Peter wanted to prove religion wrong so badly that he went to school to get a master’s degree in theology and Bible studies:

“My plan was to get a master’s degree in theology and bible studies. I wanted to be THE expert on religion…Just so I could debunk it all. I had dreams of writing a New York Times bestselling book promoting my ideas on atheism.”

As part of his master’s degree, Peter visited Rome for 33 days. While there, he met Marco, who would change his life forever.

Peter Discovers a Secret Room in Rome

While visiting Rome, Peter accidentally stumbled into a secret room, ultimately leading him to discover the secret behind the Christ Consciousness Code:

“We were touring the ruins of an old Roman building when suddenly I realized I was alone in a backroom…as I was leaning on one of the walls daydreaming, it suddenly gave way…”

Peter fell into a “secret passageway.” A lone security guard was sitting in that passageway, reading a trove of documents. That man’s name was Marco.

Marco decided God had sent Peter to him for a reason. Marco told Peter about the secret room and how it worked: the room had been undiscovered since the fall of the Roman empire.

Marco randomly discovered the room one night while working as a museum security guard. He found 33 pages of documents miraculously preserved within the room. Those documents explained what happened during “Jesus’s 18 ‘lost years’” between ages 12 and 29. The Bible doesn’t explain what Jesus did during those years.

Instead of sharing the startling discovery with researchers, Marco kept the room and the documents to himself – until he met Peter.

Jesus Explains How to Manifest Unlimited Abundance from God

The 33 pages of documents feature secrets from Jesus’s life, including how he spent his time between ages 12 and 29.

On page 33 of the secret documents, however, Jesus reveals a stunning secret: he claims every human being can activate their subconscious by targeting the spinal cord, helping them attract abundance to themselves.

Activating your subconscious and spinal cord purportedly unlocks the “superconscious mind,” strengthening your connection to the universe and helping you manifest abundance.

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How the Superconscious Mind Works

We know about the conscious and the subconscious. The Christ Consciousness Code, however, is based on the idea that we also have a “superconscious” mind.

Most people’s superconscious minds are asleep. Because they are dormant, they don’t influence their day-to-day lives.

Jesus, however, discovered a way to activate the superconscious mind by targeting the spinal cord, giving you a “direct connection with God’s abundance.”

Here’s how the superconscious mind works:

Every human being has a superconscious mind. Usually, however, that superconscious mind is asleep, and you cannot access it.

By targeting neurons in your spinal cord, however, you can purportedly “awaken” the superconscious mind.

Jesus, on page 33 of a trove of lost documents discovered in Rome by Peter Palmer, described the exact process anyone can use to awaken the superconscious mind.

By awakening the superconscious mind, you can achieve “Christ Consciousness.” This divine state allows you to connect directly with God and manifest abundance straight from God himself.

Why does the spine matter? The superconscious mind isn’t located in your brain but in your spinal cord.

The ordinary human spine has 33 vertebrae. It carries messages from your body to your brain and back. According to Peter Palmer and Jesus Christ, however, the spine also “carries messages to God…through your superconscious.”

Peter describes the spine as an “abundance antenna.” By activating the spinal cord, you can get a closer connection to God, helping you attract wealth and abundance.

How to Activate Christ Consciousness Using Gamma Waves

The Christ Consciousness Code aims to elevate you into a state of Christ Consciousness by targeting your abundance antenna.

To do that, the program uses audio files to activate gamma waves.

Once again, Peter Palmer claims Jesus discovered the connection between gamma waves and superconscious activity during his lost 18 years in India.

Here’s how gamma waves are connected to your superconscious, Christ Consciousness, and overall abundance:

According to the 33 pages discovered by the security guard, Jesus Christ spent his “missing 18 years” in India, where he found a secret way to attract abundance.

Jesus found that exposing your spinal cord to gamma waves can help activate the antenna and ignite your superconsciousness, elevating you to a state of “Christ Consciousness.”

Gamma brain waves are a specific frequency of brain waves. They’re brain waves with the highest frequency.

Listening to certain audio files can stimulate gamma brain wave activity, helping to activate the abundance antenna.

The lost documents listed the specific frequency identified by Jesus to activate gamma brain wave activity. He wrote it down as 33.333333333333333333333333333333333, or a 33 with 33 decimal points.

Jesus knew about this connection 2,000 years ago, but Romans covered it up. They didn’t want everyone to get rich quickly, as it would threaten their stability.

After discovering the specific soundwaves identified by Jesus, Peter decided to listen to the sound waves with the help of a sound engineer back home in Massachusetts.

Strengthen Your Connection to God – Try the Code!

What to Expect After Listening to the Christ Consciousness Code: Peter’s Experience

Peter was the first to listen to the sounds of the Christ Consciousness Code. These sounds were first identified by Jesus 2,000 years ago while he was doing field research in India and then created by an audio engineer in Boston.

Here’s what happened when Peter listened to the audio files that would later become the Christ Consciousness Code:

Peter listened to the audio files for an entire week.

At first, nothing good happened. His laptop crashed. He was pickpocketed in Rome. He got food poisoning and “almost died.”

While lying in bed near death with food poisoning, however, Peter saw a vision. He saw Christ on the cross with a beam of light radiating from his spine, which consisted of two intertwining beams.

The next day, Peter felt better, but he wasn’t sure if his vision was just a hallucination from food poisoning.

Peter realized the intertwined beams were a sign: instead of listening to the audio files separately, he needed to combine multiple audio files.

Peter’s audio engineer mixed the sounds, and Peter started listening to the new sound nightly.

Within days of listening to the new sound, Peter got rich quick: he received a $330,000 inheritance within “a few days,” for example, and a $33,000 scholarship from his university. Later that night, a stranger at a restaurant paid for Peter’s meal, and the attractive waitress left her phone number for Peter.

Marco, the security guard who initially discovered the secret room, also got rich quickly after listening to the intertwined audio file. He became “flush with cash” and had a “stunning new girlfriend.”

Peter and Marco realized they had created something special—the ability to get rich quickly just by listening to a unique sound. Peter decided to share this with the world through the Christ Consciousness Code.

How to Use the Christ Consciousness Code

The Christ Consciousness Code is designed to be easy for anyone, even if you have zero computer or tech skills.

Here’s how to use the Christ Consciousness Code for the first time:

  • Pay the one-time fee to get instant, lifetime access to the Christ Consciousness Code.
  • Listen to the core Christ Consciousness Code soundtrack each day, at any time. It’s as easy as pressing play on the audio file.
  • To enhance the program’s effects, listen to the accompanying audio files, such as the Sleeping Angels Soundtrack and Blessed Morning Prayer.

That’s it! According to Peter and his team, some customers report results from the first day, while others wait days, weeks, or months for the program to work.

Learn from the experiences of other users >>>

What Does the Christ Consciousness Code Do?

Peter and his team carefully explain that you won’t be guaranteed to get rich quickly after listening to the Christ Consciousness Code.

Nevertheless, the official website is filled with testimonials from people who have solved problems, gained wealth, and experienced other transformative changes with the Christ Consciousness Code.

Here are some of the effects you could experience with the Christ Consciousness Code, according to the official website:

  • Enable your God-given ability to manifest unlimited abundance from God
  • Utilize a secret system discovered by Jesus and hidden by the Romans for millennia
  • Potentially transform your financial future
  • Attract unlimited wealth, happiness, abundance, and fortune to yourself
  • Activate your “superconscious” by aligning neurons within your spinal cord, strengthening your connection to God
  • Promote sleep, happiness, health, and wellness

Ultimately, the program’s goal is to use your spinal cord—and the neurons within your spinal cord—to strengthen your connection to God. Your spinal cord is your “abundance antenna,” and activating gamma brain waves in your body can activate this antenna to turn on your superconscious, helping you attract wealth and abundance.

Scientific Evidence for the Christ Consciousness Code

Can listening to audio files affect your neurons? Is there any formal scientific evidence that the Christ Consciousness Code works? We’ll review the science behind the program below.

As with most spiritual and religious programs, connecting formal evidence to otherworld phenomena is complex. However, Peter Palmer, creator of the program, claims to have (or at least be pursuing) a master’s degree in theology and religious studies.

It’s also true gamma brain wave activity is associated with higher brain functions. WebMD explains that gamma brain wave activity is linked to memory formation, cognition, and overall brain waves. It’s difficult from delta brain waves (associated with relaxation) and alpha brain waves (associated with calm focus). Gamma brain waves are the fastest brain waves, and they occur when you’re highly alert and conscious. Gamma brain waves have frequencies between 30 and 80 Hz.

Gamma frequencies can also affect your central nervous system. Peter developed the Christ Consciousness Code based on the idea soundwaves could impact neurons in your spine, increasing your alignment with God. In a 2024 study published in Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, researchers found abnormal gamma oscillations were related to multiple central nervous system conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and schizophrenia. Researchers also found certain sensory stimuli – like sounds and images based on gamma entrainment – could exhibit a neuroprotective effect.

It’s also true the human spine has 33 vertebrae, including seven cervical, 12 thoracic, five lumbar, five sacral, and four coccygeal vertebrae.

Transform Your Life with Christ Consciousness Code!

What’s Included with the Christ Consciousness Code?

In addition to the core Christ Consciousness Code program, you receive a bundle of bonus files and other digital products.


Here’s everything you receive when buying the Christ Consciousness Code online today:

  • Christ Consciousness Code: The core of the Christ Consciousness Code program consists of the audio files discussed above. Listening to these audio files daily means you can purportedly manifest wealth, happiness, and abundance by activating your God-given abundance antenna. You receive immediate access to the core Christ Consciousness Code audio files and can listen to them starting today.
  • Free Bonus #1: Sleeping Angels Soundtrack: This bonus soundtrack is built to activate your subconscious while also helping you fall asleep. Peter describes it as “a sleep-inducing soundtrack with subliminal prayers intertwined.” He was initially planning to sell the soundtrack for $47. However, he bundled it with the Christ Consciousness Code as a free bonus. You can attract wealth and abundance by listening to the soundtrack as you fall asleep.
  • Free Bonus #2: Blessed Morning Prayer: Also created by Peter Palmer, Blessed Morning Prayer is a 10-minute, guided prayer you can listen to each morning. Peter describes it as “the fastest and easiest way to make sure your day gets going in the right direction” from the moment you wake up. Usually valued at $39, the prayer is included for free with your Christ Consciousness Code purchase.
  • Free Bonus #3: Divine Prayer Kit: The Divine Prayer Kit, created by Peter Palmer, can help unlock optimal health, wealth, and romance. The kit contains 33 prayers targeting various areas of life. Usually valued at $33, the kit is free with your Christ Consciousness Code purchase.

Don’t miss out on these bonuses!

Christ Consciousness Code Reviews: What Do Customers Say?

The Christ Consciousness Code website is filled with testimonials from customers who have experienced transformative results after using the program, including customers who have become rich quickly or solved serious life problems with it.

Here are some of the reviews shared by verified Christ Consciousness Code users:

Peter Palmer, the first person to listen to the soundtracks in the Christ Consciousness Code, received a $330,000 inheritance within days. He later received a $33,000 scholarship from his university.

Marco, an Italian security guard who helped discover Jesus’s secret Christ Consciousness documents, experienced a “dramatic turnaround” after listening to the same soundwaves and became “flush with cash.” He even had a “stunning new girlfriend.”

Jacob from Fort Collins claims listening to the Christ Consciousness Code was “like finding that missing piece” of his life. Today, he is “fulfilled” and thriving in ways I never imagined possible,” describing the program as a “life-changer.”

One woman was skeptical that the Christ Consciousness Code would work, believing it was “just another gimmick.” However, she found that it “completely transformed” her financial situation. She used to struggle to make ends meet, but now she runs a thriving business, describing her experience as “miraculous.”

Kevin from Seattle claims his “career took off” after listening to the Christ Consciousness Code, helping him succeed for the first time in years. It not only transformed his financial future but also changed his entire outlook on life.

According to Peter and his team, “Some have experienced massive results as soon as the 1st day” of listening to the Christ Consciousness Code. Others wait days, weeks, or months to experience results. However, he’s confident people who listen to the sounds daily can attract wealth and abundance.

Many customers like the 365-day money-back guarantee – mainly because you don’t need to return any items to qualify for the refund. If you’re skeptical about the Christ Consciousness Code and aren’t sure it will work, you can receive your $39 back within 365 days of your purchase.

Christ Consciousness Code Pricing

Christ Consciousness Code is priced at a one-time fee of $39. You pay the fee, then get immediate access to the program, and all include digital files and bonuses. You can start listening to the files within minutes, attracting abundance to yourself via proven Biblical wisdom.

Here’s how pricing works when ordering the Christ Consciousness Code online today:

Christ Consciousness Code + Bonuses: $39


As part of a 2024 promotion, you can bundle additional digital products to your purchase at a discount rate. Upsell offers include:

  • Christ Consciousness Affirmations (+$9.99): This 7-minute audio file uses powerful statements to reprogram your subconscious mind into a state of “Christ consciousness.”
  • Miracle Prayer for Tough Times (+$9.99): This is a short digital audio track featuring a brief, powerful prayer. The prayer can help you receive God’s strength, support, and blessings through times of trouble.

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Christ Consciousness Code Refund Policy

All Christ Consciousness Code purchases come with a 365-day money-back guarantee. You have one full year to try the program, then request a refund if you’re unhappy with the results. Plus, because the program is 100% digital, there’s no need to return any products to receive a refund.


About ChristConsciousnessCode.com

Christ Consciousness Code is published online through ChristConsciousnessCode.com. The website and program were created by Peter Palmer, an ordinary guy from Boston who discovered a Biblical secret on a life-changing trip to Rome.

Peter Palmer works with Cosmic Media, an online brand specializing in spiritual and religious programs. The company offers audio files, guides, and even supplements to help customers manifest the best version of themselves.

You can contact Cosmic Media and the Christ Consciousness Code customer service team via the following:

  • Online Form: https://www.cosmicmedia.io/contact
  • Mailing Address: 101 Convention Center Drive, Suite 400, Las Vegas, NV 89109

Final Word

The Christ Consciousness Code is a package of audio files created by Peter Palmer and his team at Cosmic Media.

After discovering a Biblical secret on a trip to Rome, Peter wanted to share that secret with the world to help anyone attract abundance. Some people claim to have gotten rich quickly after listening to the Christ Consciousness Code, while others claim to have enjoyed health, wealth, and romance thanks to the program.

Visit the official website to learn more about the Christ Consciousness Code or to get instant access to the digital program today.


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