This week, Grade 2/3 students from Coldstream Elementary shared handwritten letters to adults about COVID 19.
Dear Adults,
The pandemic will be over soon. Don’t be afraid to get a shot for the pandemic. After the shot covid can’t hurt you anymore. I know Covid has been going on for a long time but it’ll be over soon! Don’t be stressed. There is a vaccine now.
Dear Adults,
You should social distance a lot and wear your mask. I know covid has Benn hard. We can handle it if we try to not get covid. Dont stress. We can get back to normle soon. I hope that will come trae soon. Keep trying.
Dear Adults,
Here are some things that I hope will help you get through Covid 19. If you have a Kid or more, make sure they’re okay. They’re probably really scared, just as much as you are. Covid is really scary because you might think what will happen if you get it? but don’t worry. If you keep following safety protocols you will make it through covid. STAY SAFE.
from Meg
Dear Adults,
What has been hard for you? We all know that covid has been hard but still keep your hopes up because people are getting their shots!
Sincerely Violet
Dear: Adult
Hopefully the covid will end and every thing will be OK. Don’t worry. You will see your family again and it will be nice. I know the covid has gone on for a long time. Keep your hope up you can do this!!! Spend time with your kids a lot more. Go to the park maybe?
Sincerely, Meleah
Dear Adults
Always wash your hands. The pandemic will go away if everyone washes their hands. Don’t worry. You will see your friends and family. I know you can’t really breathe in a mask but still wear one. You can go on alot of trips again when Covid is over.
Dear Adults,
I have felt it and I am pretty sure you have too, that feeling that (I’m not afraid to admit it) just makes you want to get under your bed covers and stay there forever.
And I know Covid can be scary but even if your afraid of needles, just remember the vaccine is your friend!Believe me. I know very well the meaning of fear. I myself have lots of them: spiders… the dark… but lets not get off topic. Being brave right now is tough so great job!
Even though life won’t be normal again it will be BETTER!!
You know why? Because it will have all of you being even braver, stronger and more ready to take on anything! I think I’m speaking for lots of kids when I say this: Kids think adults are like super heroes — and in a way they are — but even adults don’t have superpowers to fix everything. Lastly I’m glad we are all believing to make the world a better place!
Dear Adults,
Covid can be hard. If you don’t have anyone to visit or people to visit you. You should be creative with time. Maybe do an art project or two. Go out side more. If you have a Kid do fun stuf with him or her. Wearing a mask means you don’t get the normal flu. Don’t be afraid to get the shot it will only hurt for a second. So remember to keep your distance and have fun.
Sincerely Milla
Dear adlts
some day Covid 19 will end. You should get the vaccine. You should look up what to do at home. Play baseball with your kid. Soon you can hug and high five each other. You should have faith in the doctors.
Dear Adults,
Covid has been going on for a long time but dont’ worry about the vaccine. The shot barely hurts. In the meantime you could watch the hockey game with your kids and go for Bike rides with your family.
Sincerely Jack
Dear Adults,
Everyone will eventually get the vaccines! Also U.V. light can kill viruses! To help stop the spread wear a mask and social distance.
Sincerly Grady
Dear Adult
I know that Coxid has been going on for a year now but it doesn’t stop you having fun in your house! Covid has been hard for this past year but you still have to social distance and wear your mask until everyone has been vaccinated. Be safe and home and try to note get Covid.
Dear Adult’s
Covid has been very hard for people but very slowly but steadily Covid is coming to an end. In the mean time, stay 2 metres apart, wash your hands and wear a mask! Use your spare time to play with your childrer, go outside, play a board game with your family. Get the vaccine and eat healthy. It is ok if you are afraid of the vaccine shot, but it will only hurt for a second. Stand up for you and your family. Don’t let Covid take you down!!!
Sincerely Nevaya
Dear adults,
covid19 vaccines are coming. the seniors are getting vaccinated first. wear Your mack.
See your friends on kids messengler. soon there will be no more air high fives or air hugs. We will have real hugs.
Sincerely Harrison
Dear Adult,
Do not worry Covid19 will be over soon. You can see your whole family again. You won’t have to wear a mask any more.
So you should get the vaccine. It only hurts for a second or two.
Take your kids to the park, play board games with your family. Have fun while still social distancing. Keep your mask on all the time even if it is hard to breathe. Believe in the doctors and nurses. they will fix this all.
Dear Adults,
I know covid has been hard but it stops this year. I believe 2021 Will be better than 2020. Why? because the vaccine is here and soon we can see friends and family whenever we want to!
By Ben
Dear Adults
I’m here to give some advice about Covid. You should be wearing a mask if you are less then 6 feet or 2m away from sombody that’s not in your family. especially your grandparents. the second thing is that you should be handsanitizing before you go into a building, stay home if you’re sick is the most important thing. we know that Covid is going to go away, but you have to help to get it away because lot’s of People want to see their friend and family again.
From Grade 2 student
Dear Adult,
You need to wear a mask we all know thay are annoying but it is better than getting sick!!! They are mandatory. Also you should not invite non-house hold people to your house. Keep doing what you’re doing. Because then hopefully soon we can do stuff like not having to wear a mask and being able to have friends over.
Dear Adult,
Make sure that you wear a mask at all times. It is mandatory for you. Use handsanatizer every time you enter a building. Don’t invite anyone into your house. Do not invite more than 10 people in your yard. Scientists are working hard to get rid of Covid so we can travel again.
Dear Adult,
Please wear a mask. Masks are mandatory for you. Please have some HoPe. Soon you can have parttys. Soon you don’t hafe to wear a mask and soon you can go on a airPlane. The scientists are working hard.
From Jasmine
Dear Adults,
Wear a mask. Don’t touch your face. Scientists are working hard to help get rid of covid.
We will survive. This will end. We will hug or friends again. We will see our grand parents again. We will travel again. We will take vacations.
From Kruz
Dear Adults,
Because of COVID19 you have to wear a mask and hand sanditis or was your hands for 20 seconds. You also can’t have more than 10 people outside. And remember it will be over and one day that you can hug your friends again!
From a Grade 3 student
Dear Adults
You should mix soap and sanitizer together. You should use as santish!!! We will travel again.
From a Grade 2 student
Dear Adult,
Wear a mask. Don’t touch your face dont’ travel. Scientists are working hard to help get rid of covid. This will end.
From Von
Dear Adults
Wear a mask. Don’t touch your mask. Seientists are working hard. One day we wont have masks.
From a kid
Dear Adults,
Wear a mask. Don’t touch your face. Don’t take off your mask. Scientists are working hard. One day we won’t have masks.
From a kid
Dear adult,
wear a mask. Do not touch your face. Do not travel use hand sanitizer wash your hands. one day we can travel again.
From Heather
Dear Adult,
Please where your masik at all times. Also, please don’t go eneywhere that is closed. Next when you enter a stor please get some hand sanitizer at all times. Scientists are working on the covid vaccine. Lastly, please follow the Rule so covid-19 donsed get worse.
From Grade 3 student
Dear Adult,
Be safe and have fun. Wear a mask. Don’t touch your face. Don’t travel. Masks are mandatory! We will survive. This will end. Have hope.
From a kid
Dear Adult,
Use hand sanitizer. Wash you hands with soap meet oatside. One day you can hug your friends again.
From a kid
Dear Adult,
Always have sanitizer and masks on we can have hope. That COVID will end. Then we can go on vacations again.
From a kid
Dear Adults,
Because of COVId-19 you ned to wear a mask and dont toch your face not more than 10 people outside.
From Brooklyn
Dear Adult,
Hand sanitize and wear a mask. Let’s follow the rules. Then one day no more masks!!!!!
From Isaac
Advice from Grade 2-3 class about COVID-19
If we stay in are own bubble covid will end. do what is best. stay safe and be calm. We are all in this together.
Be calm covid will end. You are kind and can make others calm too. don’t worry. be calm. be safe dot worry.
You are important. Covid is almost over. If it is raining look for a rainbow. Stay safe covid is almost over
Enjoy yourself! make others happy. We can get rid of Covid together! Covid will not last forever! and be you!
Everybody is important. Covid is almost done! Stay safe. Be kind and stay together.
No rain, no rainbows. We are all in this together. Stay safe and be kind. Don’t worry, be happy! If it’s Dark, be the light.
We’re in this together. Stay safe. Stay calm. Covid will end. Be kind don’t worry.
Covid will end. Do not worry! We are in this together! When it is dark find a light. Stay safe and be kind Do what’s safe.
Earth is an adventure. Be kind dot let CoVid StoP You. Be Your sefe. CoVid will end.