For The Beachcomber
Pirate cross country teams took advantage of a beautiful, sunny Saturday to race at American Lake against the five other schools in their combined district. Exceptional performances came from senior Isaac Hughes and sophomoreLucy Boyle, who both barely missed qualifying for the state championships by finishing ninth in their respective races, which sent only the top seven on to state.
For the boys, Hughes, the boys’ team captain, established himself in the top group of runners from the start of the 5K race, racing smart and competitive in what was perhaps the best race of his high school career. Hughes was followed across the finish line 13 seconds later by junior Gianno Waller in twelfth place, running only his third race of the season. Waller was followed by sophomore Garrett Mueller, freshman Cole Hartness and juniors Collin Protzeller, Hunter Justis and Sam Knight.
In the girls’ race, sophomore Lucy Boyle also established herself in the top group of runners, racing with the heart, determination and intensity that have become her hallmarks. Boyle has proved to be a good role model for the team with her encouraging, positive spirit, along with her ability to spare no effort on the course. Boyle was followed across the line by senior Jessica Merritt, who has built a strong foundation for the girls’ team and can always be counted on to rise to the challenge in important races. Merritt was followed by up-and-coming Ellie Lande; senior Annie Muller, a steady and strong runner with great spirit; senior and team captain Jane Oswald; senior EvaAnderson and freshman Isabelle Spence.
Both teams will lose their team captains to graduation, as Hughes and Oswald move on.
The cross-country team will hold its end-of-season dinner on Thursday, Nov. 17.
Also on the calendar are two events — the annual “Turkey Trot” 5k Fun Run/Walk on Thanksgiving morning, and a special showing of “Chariots of Fire” at the Vashon Theatre at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 13. The showing is a fundraiser for the cross-country teams. Attendance is by donation. All are welcome.
— Bruce Cyra is an island runner and fan of VHS cross country.