Do the Burby and help schools, too

It is no secret that the school district is struggling financially.

It is no secret that the school district is struggling financially.

Some co-curricular activities are on the chopping block, including some Vashon High School athletic teams.

Participation in the Bill Burby Inspirational 10K/5K Fun Runs and 5K Walk on Saturday, July 18, during the Strawberry Festival, can ease the strain because proceeds from the race help support VHS varsity teams, like track and boys basketball. In addition, a scholarship in Bill Burby’s name is given to a high school senior through the Community Scholarship Foundation, which helps with the burgeoning cost of higher education.

Thanks to Gage Design, the Bill Burby Fun Run and Walk has a fantastic new Web site: One can explore the race’s history, find a description of the course, view last year’s results and find links to both online and paper registration forms.

There will be a new age category for 60- to 69-year-old runners and another for 70 years and older. No longer must the 70-plus crowd compete for a medal with those a decade younger.

This year, the top three female and male finishers in each age category for the 10K and 5K runs will be recognized with medals, instead of the top six finishers. This change will speed up the awards ceremony so that everyone can make it to the eclectic Festival parade in time.

The Burby attracts regional and some out-of-state competitive runners as well as those who are donning running or walking shoes for the first time. Some run like the wind while others engage in a walk-and-talk-fest.

All are welcome at the Burby. Registration costs $15 if completed by July 16. Day-of-race registration costs $25 and opens at 8 a.m. July 18 at the Vashon Youth & Family Services PlaySpace on the corner of Vashon Highway S.W. and S.W. Gorsuch Road.

The Bill Burby Fun Run and Walk is sponsored by Vashon Rotary and Northwest Sports and recognizes the amazing contributions Vashon Island Junior Basketball makes to Island youth.

Check out, sign up online at or find the blue registration forms at many Island businesses, including the Beachcomber office. Make the commitment: Do the Burby.

— Susie Kalhorn is a board member of the Bill Burby Fun Run Association.