
Flush Factor Plus Review: A Natural Solution for Reducing Swelling and Improving Foot Comfort

Flush Factor Plus is a capsulated nutritional supplement marketed to anyone with swollen legs and feet.

By taking Flush Factor Plus daily, you can use a “7-second fluid release technique” to relieve swollen feet, legs, and ankles.

Read on to learn everything you need about Flush Factor Plus and how it works today.

What is Flush Factor Plus?

Flush Factor Plus is a dietary supplement available exclusively online.

As part of a 2024 promotion, Flush Factor Plus is priced at just $69 per bottle or less—a steep discount from the ordinary retail rate of $99 per bottle. Qualifying multi-bottle purchases also include free bonus eBooks and discount bulk pricing.

Flush Factor Plus appears marketed to adults with swollen legs, feet, and ankles. Fluid buildup in the legs can lead to mobility, flexibility, and health issues. Flush Factor Plus aims to help using a blend of natural, vegan ingredients, including beetroot and flower extracts.

Dr. Spencer Morgan created Flush Factor Plus. He selected a blend of natural ingredients, including L-citrulline, beetroot extract, and hibiscus, which are linked to improved fluid balance in the body.

Flush Factor Plus Benefits

Some of the benefits of Flush Factor Plus, according to the official website, include:

  • Promote mobility and flexibility
  • Clinically researched, doctor-formulated, natural, vegan ingredients
  • Support healthy legs
  • Support movement and strength
  • Just one easy-to-take capsule daily
  • Backed by a 60-day satisfaction guarantee

Get your hands on Flush Factor Plus and experience the benefits now!

How Does Flush Factor Plus Work?

Taking one capsule of Flush Factor Plus daily can purportedly help maintain healthy fluid circulation throughout the body, including in the legs.

According to the manufacturer, Flush Factor Plus achieves that effect by “supporting your body’s natural ability to regulate fluids. ”

Pineapple powder fruit extract is the largest and most crucial ingredient in Flush Factor Plus. It’s the first listed ingredient in Flush Factor Plus’s 500mg proprietary blend, which means there’s more pineapple powder than any other ingredient.

Other active ingredients include plants, herbs, and amino acids that promote fluid balance, blood flow, or overall circulation in various ways. By packaging all of these ingredients into a once-daily vegetable capsule, the makers of Flush Factor Plus aim to help anyone promote fluid balance and overall health.

Who Created Flush Factor Plus? About David Taylor & Dr. Spencer Morgan

Flush Factor Plus was created by Dr. Spencer Morgan, who worked with a 54-year-old Dallas, Texas-area man named David Taylor to launch the supplement online.

David was motivated to create Flush Factor Plus after watching his wife, Gail, struggle with her swollen legs and feet at their daughter’s wedding. Gail’s feet were so swollen that she could barely fit into her Crocs (shoes she had chosen specifically for her swollen legs and feet).

Gail had dealt with severe swelling and leg pain for the past four years. She struggled to walk or stand normally.

Gail drank water, reduced salt intake, wore compression socks, raised her legs, and tried other conventional solutions. Some provided temporary relief, but nothing lasted long-term.

Gail’s swelling and pain came to a climax at her daughter’s wedding. After standing all day, she struggled to move. Her feet were so swollen that she needed to wear Crocs to her daughter’s wedding: her feet didn’t fit into ordinary wedding shoes. People made fun of Gail at the wedding. David knew he needed to find a solution to Gail’s swollen feet.

One wedding guest, Helen, told Gail about a friend named Dr. Spencer Morgan, who specialized in treating swollen legs and feet. Dr. Morgan later teamed up with David to create Flush Factor Plus.

Visit official website to learn about Flush Factor Plus >>>

Who is Dr. Spencer Morgan?

David Taylor, co-creator of Flush Factor Plus, does not claim to have any professional medical certification or experience.

However, David worked with Dr. Spencer Morgan to create Flush Factor Plus. David describes him as a “brilliant doctor” with “many awards and degrees.” He had also spent the last 20+ years running one of America’s leading metabolic clinics.

Dr. Morgan agreed to treat Gail’s medical condition. He told David and Gail that her swollen legs and feet were caused by an imbalanced hormone called arginine vasopressin, or AVP.

Then, Dr. Morgan told Gail to take a specific blend of natural ingredients to balance AVP hormone levels, targeting the root cause of her swelling, pain, and discomfort. That formula would later become Flush Factor Plus.

How Arginine Vasopressin (AVP) Effects Swollen Legs

Dr. Spencer Morgan, the doctor who created Flush Factor Plus, told Gail about the connection between a hormone called arginine vasopressin (AVP) and fluid imbalance in the body.

Here’s how AVP is connected to swollen legs and feet:

Your body produces a hormone called arginine vasopressin, or AVP.

When your body detects low fluid levels in one part of your body, it draws fluid away from your urine to help rebalance these fluid levels. That’s why Dr. Morgan sometimes calls it your “pee hormone.”

However, if your body produces too much AVP hormone, you develop a fluid imbalance. AVP goes into “hyperdrive,” constantly telling your kidneys to draw water away from your urine and throughout your body.

Much of this water ends up in your feet and legs. According to Dr. Morgan, it’s like an “overflowing toilet. “

Unlike an overflowing toilet, however, water doesn’t just pool out of your body onto the floor. Instead, it floods out of your kidneys and pools into your feet and legs.

These excess fluids in your legs and limbs aren’t just water; they can put your body in a state of toxic shock. They’re also linked to heart issues, liver damage, and slow metabolism, making your health even worse.

Dr. Morgan designed Flush Factor Plus specifically to balance AVP hormone production, helping to promote normal hormone balance. Dr. Morgan insisted he could treat Gail’s medical condition without surgery or medication:

“Getting your body to stop producing too much of this ‘pee hormone does not require any costly medications or risky surgeries.”

Dr. Morgan told Gail to take a blend of natural ingredients to balance AVP and fluid levels. He claimed to have tested these specific ingredients for over a decade.

Get Flush Factor Plus now while it’s on sale – limited time only!

How Flush Factor Plus’s 7-Second Fluid Release Technique Works

Flush Factor Plus was designed to target the root cause of swollen legs and feet using a “7-second fluid release technique.”

According to David Taylor, that fluid release technique “can rapidly and permanently relieve your swollen legs, ankles, and feet.”

By targeting the root cause of swollen legs and feet, Flush Factor Plus aims to be more than just a short-term solution for swelling. Instead, the formula appears marketed as a long-term solution because it “permanently” relieves swollen legs and feet.

The fluid release technique is based on the AVP hormone mentioned above: Dr. Morgan identified certain natural ingredients that could balance AVP hormone levels, promoting fluid balance throughout the body. Each capsule of Flush Factor Plus contains a blend of those natural ingredients.

Flush Factor Plus Ingredients

Each Flush Factor Plus capsule contains a 500mg proprietary blend of fruit, plant, amino acid, and seed extracts, among other active ingredients.

Dr. Spencer Morgan, creator of Flush Factor Plus, claims to have spent a decade studying the ingredients. After significant trial and error and even “consultations with specialists worldwide,” he’s confident enough to use those ingredients to treat patients like Gail.

Here are all of the ingredients in Flush Factor Plus and how they work to promote normal fluid levels within the body:

  • Pineapple Powder: Pineapple powder extract is the largest ingredient in Flush Factor Plus. It’s the first listed ingredient in the Flush Factor Plus proprietary formula. Dr. Morgan chose pineapple for his formula because it’s naturally packed with bromelain, an enzyme with natural antioxidant properties. Dr. Morgan cites a study where pineapple “boosted urine output by 29%” and “significantly reduced edema.” It’s known for its natural antidiabetic properties; some take pineapple daily.
  • Shatavari Root Extract: Shatavari extract is described as an “ancient medicine plant” and the “queen of herbs” in Ayurveda. It’s known for having “potent” diuretic properties, increasing urine output from your body. Some people use shatavari root as a natural detox aid. Others take it to promote fluid balance. According to the official website, Shatavari root also has “significant anti-inflammatory activity,” which can help with the swelling and pain associated with edema and similar conditions. Shatavari, also known as Asparagus racemosus, is the second largest ingredient in Flush Factor Plus.
  • L-Citrulline: Dr. Morgan describes L-citrulline as a “powerful amino acid.” It’s found in watermelons and other fruits, meats, and foods. However, the L-citrulline in Flush Factor Plus is L-citrulline DL-malate, a highly bioavailable form of the amino acid. This amino acid “keeps the pee hormone [AVP] under control,” according to the official Flush Factor Plus website, “preventing it from pulling fluid from your urine and sending it to our feet, ankles, and legs.” As proof, Dr. Morgan cites one study showing L-citrulline targeted trapped fluids, helping participants experience a 24% decrease in leg swelling and a significant reduction in symptoms of edema.
  • Black Cumin Seed Extract: Black cumin seed extract, or nigella sativa, reduces the overproduction of AVP, according to the official Flush Factor Plus website. However, it also “significantly improves circulation and lymphatic drainage,” making it a powerful complementary ingredient to L-citrulline. Dr. Morgan cites one study where participants experienced a 32% decrease in water retention and improved kidney function after taking black cumin seed extract.
  • Beet Root Extract: Beet root extract promotes blood flow and circulation. Some take it daily for that reason. The beetroot extract in Flush Factor Plus is standardized to contain 50% betaine nitrate, the active molecule within beetroot linked to its circulatory effects. This betaine nitrate acts like a precursor to nitric oxide (NO), a molecule linked to flexible, pliable blood vessels. Some take beetroot daily for blood pressure and heart health. Others take it for fluid balance.
  • Hibiscus Flower Extract: According to a study cited by Dr. Morgan, hibiscus flower extract can “improve circulation by up to 42%. ” Some studies link the flower to therapeutic effects—like antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects—throughout the body.

Buy Flush Factor Plus Before it’s SOLD OUT >>>

Other inactive ingredients within Flush Factor Plus include cellulose (to form the vegetable capsule), brown rice flour, magnesium stearate, and silicon dioxide.


How Flush Factor Plus Helped with Gail’s Swelling & Pain

Dr. Morgan agreed to treat Gail’s severe swelling and leg pain issues. Dr. Morgan told Gail to take the blend of ingredients above – all of the ingredients that would later become Flush Factor Plus. Gail took Dr. Morgan’s formula and rapidly experienced relief from her swelling, pain, and mobility issues.

Here’s what happened when Gail took Dr. Morgan’s formula for the first time:

After the first few days of taking Flush Factor Plus, Gail didn’t experience any noticeable change. When she woke up each morning, her feet looked like “inflated balloons.”

After taking Flush Factor Plus for seven days, however, Gail noticed a change in her feet. She could wiggle her toes without discomfort, which was a small sign of progress.

As Gail continued to take Flush Factor Plus, she continued to experience rapid changes. After 15 days, she was walking without discomfort and no longer needed to loosen her shoes when standing.

After taking Flush Factor Plus for 21 days, Gail’s feet and ankles were visibly smaller and less swollen. After taking Flush Factor Plus for 30 days, Gail’s feet nearly returned to their normal size.

Here’s how Dr. Morgan and his team summarize Gail’s experience with Flush Factor Plus:

“In just 30 days, Gail had shed a significant amount of water weight…she was no longer waking up in the middle of the night, her feet throbbing with pain, she was walking better and no longer needing to lean on furniture for support.”

Friends and family members started to notice Gail’s dramatic change. She hadn’t just lowered fluid from her legs and feet. She also experienced a change in her feet.

After observing Gail’s incredible results, David contacted Dr. Morgan and urged him to market Flush Factor Plus as a supplement. The duo partnered with a US-based supplement company to sell Flush Factor Plus worldwide, and the rest is history.

Read what others are saying and decide for yourself >>>

How to Take Flush Factor Plus

The makers of Flush Factor Plus recommend taking one capsule daily to promote fluid circulation:

Take one capsule of Flush Factor Plus daily with an 8oz glass of water for fluid circulation

Because the formula is stimulant-free, you can take it anytime or at night. Some take it in the morning, however, to promote fluid balance throughout the rest of the day.

What to Expect After Taking Flush Factor Plus

Flush Factor Plus appears to be marketed primarily to people with fluid regulation issues in their legs and lower body.

Here are some of the effects you could experience by taking advantage of Flush Factor Plus’s “7-second ‘water dumping’ fix” daily:

  • Support Fluid Regulation in Your Legs, Ankles, & Feet: The fluid release technique behind Flush Factor Plus “can rapidly and permanently relieve your swollen legs, ankles, and feet,” according to David Taylor, the formula’s creator, in an introductory video featured on the official website.
  • Promote AVP Hormone Balance: Flush Factor Plus targets the root cause of fluid retention issues: imbalanced levels of the AVP hormone. The natural ingredients in Flush Factor Plus aim to balance levels of that hormone, helping you enjoy lasting relief. Overproduction of the AVP hormone, or the pee hormone, can cause your kidneys to send too much fluid into your legs and feet.
  • Promote Comfort and Pain Relief: Swollen legs and feet can lead to severe pain. The longer you ignore the problem, the worse the pain can get. Flush Factor Plus addresses the root cause of fluid issues, helping to relieve pain.
  • Long-Term Relief: The makers of Flush Factor Plus are careful to explain that the formula “wasn’t just a short-term fix.” Instead, many people consistently target symptoms daily as they take Flush Factor Plus.
  • Reduce Size, Puffiness, & Bloating: According to the official website, you may notice a “difference in the size of your feet and ankles” after taking Flush Factor Plus, along with “visibly reducing” symptoms of bloating.
  • Promote Relief from Edema & Foot Swelling: Some people featured on the official website appear to have a medical condition called edema. The makers of Flush Factor Plus claim more than 28,500 people, including those with edema, have experienced relief with Flush Factor Plus. Some of the people “now say their edema and foot-swelling problems have vanished entirely” thanks to Flush Factor Plus.
  • Support Mobility & Overall Movement: Some people struggle to move due to severely swollen legs and feet. Flush Factor Plus can promote mobility, making it easier to move around. One customer featured on the official website claims she can “walk gracefully without wincing” thanks to Flush Factor Plus.
  • Simple, Safe, Highly Effective Treatment: Dr. Morgan’s formula is marketed as a “simple, safe, and highly effective at-home treatment.” The formula is not associated with significant side effects.

Don’t miss out on the benefits that Flush Factor Plus can provide – order now!

Scientific Evidence for Flush Factor Plus

Flush Factor Plus was created by a doctor named Dr. Spencer Morgan. Dr. Morgan and his team cite over a dozen studies on the Flush Factor Plus references page. It’s unclear what type of doctor Dr. Morgan is; however, according to Flush Factor Plus co-creator David Taylor, he claims to have “many awards and degrees” on his walls. We’ll evaluate the science behind Flush Factor Plus below.

Flush Factor Plus contains black cumin seed or nigella sativa. Dr. Morgan cites a 2007 study summarizing the properties of black cumin seed and black cumin seed oil. That study found the natural ingredient had anticancer, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties, among other effects.

L-citrulline is one of the most essential ingredients in Flush Factor Plus. Some take L-citrulline as a pre-workout because of its effects on blood flow. Dr. Morgan cites one study showing L-citrulline supplementation was “useful for reducing leg swelling.” Researchers asked a group of women to sit down for a long time to test the theory. Half the group took L-citrulline, while the other half did not. The L-citrulline group experienced significant relief in swelling.

The most significant ingredient in Flush Factor Plus is pineapple extract. The extract is rich in bromelain, an enzyme linked to blood flow and antioxidant effects. Dr. Morgan justifies using pineapple extract by citing a 2016 study linking bromelain to various therapeutic properties, including anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic effects.

The remaining ingredients in Flush Factor Plus are also linked to fluid-balancing effects. Dr. Morgan cites a study linking hibiscus flower extract to improvements in cardiovascular health, for example. A separate study links beetroot extract to improvements in blood flow, endothelial function, and inflammation in people with Reynaud’s.

Overall, Flush Factor Plus contains a blend of ingredients linked to blood flow, fluid balance, and overall health, and the formula appears to have been developed by a competent and qualified doctor.

Save on Flush Factor Plus when you order now!

Flush Factor Plus Reviews: What Do Customers Say?

Flush Factor Plus has garnered hundreds of reviews from satisfied customers across various platforms, including verified purchasers on Amazon and the official FlushFactorPlus.com store. Users consistently share their positive experiences after using the product.

One customer shared how she had been struggling with chronic bloating and digestive issues for years, trying numerous remedies with little success. After just a few weeks of taking Flush Factor Plus, she noticed a significant improvement. She reported feeling “lighter, more energized, and finally free of the constant bloating” she had dealt with for so long.

Other customers have had similar experiences. One reviewer mentioned that he had been dealing with irregular bowel movements and discomfort for months. After incorporating Flush Factor Plus into his daily routine, he felt a “dramatic change” in his digestive health within just two weeks. He now feels regular and much more comfortable, stating, “It’s like my system has been reset.”

On the official website, Flush Factor Plus holds an impressive average rating of 4.7 stars out of 5 based on 150+ reviews. Customers commonly praise the supplement for its quick and effective results, with many giving it a 5-star rating for how it improved their digestive health.

Many users notice significant improvements in their gut health within a short period. One customer remarked that she “felt a difference in just one week,” with improved digestion and less bloating. After using it for 60 days, she felt her digestive issues had completely resolved.

A healthcare professional, Dr. Evans, also endorses Flush Factor Plus on the company’s website, stating that he frequently recommends the supplement to patients struggling with digestive concerns. According to him, it provides a “well-rounded solution to promote gut health and regularity.”

Amazon customers are equally enthusiastic, with Flush Factor Plus maintaining a 4.5-star average rating from over 500 verified purchasers. Many users highlight the supplement’s effectiveness in reducing bloating, improving digestion, and helping them feel more balanced and energized.

Overall, Flush Factor Plus has been helping individuals improve their digestive health since its launch. With countless reviews praising its benefits, it’s clear that this supplement has made a significant difference for those looking to manage their digestive wellness naturally and effectively.

Flush Factor Plus Pricing

Flush Factor Plus is priced between $49 and $69 per bottle as part of a 2024 promotion – down from the usual retail price of $99.

Flush Factor Plus is exclusively available through FlushFactorPlus.com, where it’s priced at the following rates:

  • Order one bottle for $69 + Free Shipping
  • Order three bottles for $177 ($59 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping + 2 Free Bonus eBooks
  • Order six bottles for $294 ($49 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping + 2 Free Bonus eBooks

Each bottle of Flush Factor Plus has a 30-day supply, or 30 capsules (30 servings). Take one capsule daily to promote fluid balance in the body.


Bonuses Included with Flush Factor Plus

As part of a 2024 promotion, Flush Factor Plus is bundled with two free bonus eBooks when ordering three bottles or more.

The bonus eBooks can complement the effects of Flush Factor Plus by promoting mobility, pain relief, and fluid balance throughout your body. Bonus eBooks include:

Free Bonus eBook #1: Complete Joint Relief: Getting Around Pain-Free: Many people with fluid retention issues also have joint pain. In this book, you’ll discover a step-by-step process for improving joint health without relying on pain pills. The eBook features five pressure points to relieve stiffness, a bizarre hummingbird-inspired technique to improve mobility, a “hip hugging” technique for hip pain, and other science-backed ways to move without pain.

Free Bonus eBook #2: Total Freedom: Unlock Painless Movement in Your Lower Body: This free eBook explores yoga movements, mobility tricks, and stretches to eliminate tightness and boost mobility. The movements focus primarily on your legs and lower body, helping to relieve discomfort from your hips to your toes. You can perform all movements at home with no equipment required.

Both eBooks ordinarily retail for $54 apiece. However, they’re bundled for free with all three and 6-bottle purchases of Flush Factor Plus.


Flush Factor Plus Refund Policy

Flush Factor Plus has a 60-day satisfaction guarantee. Try Flush Factor Plus for 60 days. If you’re unhappy, contact the manufacturer for a complete refund minus shipping. Return the bottle or bottles, even if empty, to complete the refund process.

You won’t find a better deal on Flush Factor Plus anywhere else!

About Flush Factor Plus

Flush Factor Plus is made in the United States in an FDA-registered, GMP-certified facility. The manufacturer is based in Tallmadge, Ohio, just outside of Akron.

The manufacturer partnered with a doctor named Dr. Spencer Morgan to create Flush Factor Plus. Dr. Morgan worked with a 54-year-old Dallas-area man named David Taylor to bring Flush Factor Plus to market. Today, the supplement is manufactured in the United States using a blend of foreign and domestic ingredients, including ingredients from Asia and Europe.

To contact the Flush Factor Plus customer service team, use the following:

  • Email: contact@flushfactorplus-product.com
  • Mailing Address: 285 Northeast Ave, Tallmadge, OH 44278, USA

Since launching Flush Factor Plus, the manufacturer claims to have shipped over 67,000+ bottles while helping over 28,000 people target fluid issues in their legs, making it one of the most popular swelling, edema, and leg pain supplements available today.

Final Word

Flush Factor Plus uses a blend of pineapple powder, shatavari root, and L-citrulline, among other ingredients, to target swelling in your legs and feet.

Taking one capsule of Flush Factor Plus daily can purportedly target swollen legs and feet while promoting mobility, independence, and overall health.

Visit the official website to learn more about Flush Factor Plus and how it works or to buy the supplement online today.


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