Watching the bird feeders is observing nature as an endless metaphor for our human foibles.
Cartoon by Frank Shiers
Vashon HouseHold, Vashon Health Care District, and Vashon School District all show why leadership matters.
We are, in fact, a part of the cosmos, made from the stuff of stars and the elements of the universe.
Dana Schuerholz has created an amazingly effective vehicle for transforming our conventional educational system.
Vashon residents don’t want a repeat of what happened with Vashon Community Care.
Instead of mediation and lawyer fees, I suggest another approach.
The traffic on Vashon Highway between two ferry terminals creates a unique situation and problem.
The bubble of safety I previously believed my friends lived in has vanished.
It’s astounding that anyone would suggest the pandemic is over, and yet it’s also predictable.
Her opponent, Jim Ferrell, fails to acknowledge that traditional mass incarceration, in use since the 1970s, has failed to achieve any meaningful reduction in crime levels.
It was a huge lift for the community to create our Health Care District.
In terms of Vashon’s benefit from the Conservation Futures program, the island has punched above its weight, gaining more than 1,000 acres of public ownership of land and more than 400 acres of easements on the island.