Cartoon by Frank Shiers
It is simply unacceptable that Vashon — which was already too far down on the list for ferry service restoration — continues tosee its service degrade.
The Vashon Chamber of Commerce is invested in working together to address our community’s economic issues head-on.
Our deep dive into the investigations provides a single source of accurate information, so far, about both cases, which is sorely needed in our community and beyond. That said — we still have questions about the district’s response to the investigations.
Our plan is based on the results of a comprehensive financial model that considers many input variables.
A gift to VSF means building confidence, wonder, and curiosity in our island youth, who count on your generosity.
Armed with a basic understanding of how things will unfold, teens can feel empowered knowing that they’ve spoken up and are then free to seek out support.
Cartoon by Frank Shiers
Join our volunteers at Vashon High School at 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Earth Day, Saturday, April 22, for our sixth Electronics Recycling Event.
Our island’s well-tended green space, fields and beaches, and vibrant, equitable programs provided by our Park District are not a small part of what makes this island a beautiful and healthy place to live.
A recently formed group of islanders is working with King County and the Vashon Community Council to create a fenced dog park.
The soon-to-be-formed Burton Water Co-op proposes to ask for a much smaller “initial member equity” and to borrow a large loan amount instead.
Cartoon by Frank Shiers