Vashon Community Care and Providence Health & Services will end their long-term management contract this summer. In the wake of this decision, a committee comprised of members from both organizations is working closely together to create a smooth transition of uninterrupted care and services.
As we move forward, members from the VCC board of directors will be interviewing other healthcare management organizations, some of which Providence has helped us to identify as potential new partners. We will be looking at several possible business models to determine what we can accomplish in-house and which services we need to outsource. Requests for proposals will be going out as early as next week. A review of returned proposals will take place in early June.
It is our goal to create a sustainable organization wholly dedicated to the well-being of our Vashon Island community. And though we will always face a shortage from Medicaid reimbursement — a shortage made up by the amazing generosity of this community — there is much room for an improved business model that will keep us financially viable.
All of us on the VCC board remain committed to providing excellent care for our island elders as we enter this exploratory phase. We’ve been called upon to solve old challenges in new ways.
It’s time to innovate, create and step into a bright future for VCC.
Thank you to our donors, volunteers, faithful staff and all the families of our residents for supporting our efforts.
— Susan Hanson, VCC board president