Keeping the pool afloat | Editorial

The Vashon Park District is trying to find a way to make our only public pool pencil out. It’s right that it does so. It’s quite possible that a well-run public pool would drain little from our shared coffers.

The Vashon Park District is trying to find a way to make our only public pool pencil out. It’s right that it does so. It’s quite possible that a well-run public pool would drain little from our shared coffers.

At the same time, it’s important to remember a basic principle of government. There’s a reason we pay taxes: It’s so we can have shared, public amenities. Schools. Parks. Buses. Libraries. All of these things cost money. And all provide a great public service.

The pool is costing more than park district officials thought it would when they took it over from King County two years ago. But keep in mind that the last two summers have been among our chilliest. And keep in mind that it’s a public asset, not a private venture.

So sure, let’s encourage park district officials to run it well and efficiently. But let’s also remember that expending public funds on a public pool is a perfectly appropriate use of tax dollars. And let’s hope this year brings us a nice, hot summer.