The Vashon-Maury Island Community Council is hardly a thing of the past. In fact, so current is it that it’s holding its regularly scheduled meeting at 7:30 p.m. this Monday, Sept. 20.
It’s a meeting not to be missed.
This is a chance for Islanders to discuss not only what it is they want their community council to become, but also their vision for the Island’s self-governance.
It’s possible a new slate of candidates for the board will come forward — an effort to continue the current structure. Others might propose that the council continue but no longer as a King County Unincorporated Area Council, a structure that requires compliance with the public disclosure act. Still others might put forward even more far-reaching suggestions, efforts to completely rethink who we are and how we want to govern ourselves.
The council has been through a couple iterations before. As former VMICC board member Hilary Emmer noted, Monday’s meeting is another remarkable opportunity for us to reinvent the future.
“We’re about to morph into something different, and the more voices that are involved, the stronger that organization will be,” she said. She said it well. This is one time when who shows up could make a world of difference.