Commentary: Celebrating our women educators

Let’s recognize the female staff who work to shape the next generation.

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about my mother, Joyce Mae Sladek (1933-1983).

She passed away when I was 15 years old and in the 10th grade. At the time, we were living in Central Florida with my brother, who was just a year younger than I, almost to the day. In the short amount of time we had together, I remember she had very high expectations of me, instilled in me a sense of humor, and gave me the confidence to take on any challenge.

One of my favorite memories is from my Little League days when I was a pitcher. My mom was always the loudest parent in the stands, always standing and always cheering me on with an unmistakable, “All right!” every time I struck someone out. No matter what the score was, whether we were up or down, she believed in me.

Her unwavering support and encouragement has stuck with me and also makes me think about March and National Women’s History Month. This month is a time to reflect on the countless contributions women have made to our society. Here on Vashon and across the country, the vast majority of educators are women. Every day, we entrust them with our students, knowing they will guide, challenge, and nurture them.

If we think of education as a journey, female educators are the steady hands on the wheel, navigating our students through new ideas, tough challenges, and moments of discovery.Women have been shaping education for centuries. Maria Montessori (1870-1952) revolutionized early childhood learning with her student-centered approach, emphasizing independence and hands-on discovery. Her methods are still widely used today, and can be seen in many of our Vashon classrooms.

More recently, educators such as Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings have led the way in equity-focused teaching, advocating for culturally responsive education that ensures all students see themselves reflected in what they learn. Her breakthrough research was one of the foundations for my own dissertation, shaping my understanding of how teachers can better support students living in poverty. Her work continues to influence educators both on Vashon and nationwide, reinforcing the importance of inclusive and meaningful learning experiences.

The impact of female educators extends far beyond lesson plans, playground games, and report cards. They foster curiosity, creativity, and confidence. They teach our students not just how to read, write, and solve equations, but also how to think critically, collaborate, and care about each other and the world around them. For so many kids, educators are the people who believe in them when they don’t yet believe in themselves.

As we honor Women’s History Month, please take a moment to celebrate and recognize the female teachers, paraeducators, counselors, bus drivers, and all building staff who have shaped us and continue to shape the next generation. Because when we celebrate them, we celebrate a future shaped by their work, one student at a time.

As I think back to my own mother, who lived a pretty tough life, I remember how, through it all, she kept me on track and ensured I had what I needed to live a rich, fulfilling life. That’s what great educators do, too. They see the potential, they cheer us on, and they help us find our way.

Slade McSheehy is the Superintendent of the Vashon Island School District.