Monte Stewart Smith

Monte was a good friend to many, with a good ear for listening.

Monte Stewart Smith passed on Mar 18, 2024, 22 days after his 86th birthday.

Born to James Norman Smith and Maria Augustavictoria Stredicke on April 25th, 1938, in Olympia, Washington, Monte was the third of five boys, named James, Jeff, Monte, Greg, and Tracy. Paula, his only sister, followed 10 years later.

Monte spent his early years in Spokane, Washington, moving to Vashon in 1948, when he was in the 7th grade. The Smith family eventually settled in the large four-square house on the north side of Cove Road, west of 115th. He attended Vashon High School, where he was voted Homecoming King and graduated with the class of 1956.

Monte joined the U.S. Army in 1959, where he earned his marksman certificate and was assigned to the Signal Core, specializing in Morse code. He spent three years of service in the Philippines and tracked the activities of one North Korean agent. Monte spoke often of his appreciation for the Philippine people and their culture.

He was discharged in 1962, and returned to Vashon where he reconnected with longtime friend and neighbor Grace Baker. Grace told her mother they had gotten married so they could go to California together. They soon moved to Venice Beach, California, where they both worked in folk rock nightclubs, getting to know such future stars as John Denver.

Monte and Grace were married one year to the day after Grace told her mother they were married. They hoped that she wouldn’t notice the difference in the year’s date. They lived together in Venice for four years. Then Monte changed the direction of his life and left Grace to live with a man. In 1972, Monte returned to Vashon to join his brother Jeff and wife Sojourner and their family on the Zarth Farm at the north end of 115th.

Monte lived the rest of his life on Vashon moving from the Zarth Farm to a house on Bank Road, then Portage and ultimately Morgan Hill. In each of these places he lived alone while he made a quiet place with animal friends and well-tended gardens.

Monte was beloved by his many nieces and nephews as he was always kind and attentive. They valued his observations that were made from his own special view on life. An early idea of his uniqueness was his mother’s story of him as a boy. Asked what he wanted to be when he grew up, he responded “A Cow” because they seemed so contented.

Monte was quietly in the background of such Vashon institutions as Sound Food-dishwasher, Bob’s Bakery-helper, King County Parks–gardener and grounds keeper, and Portage Store, as helper, brother, and neighbor.

He was a Metro bus rider, making weekly trips to the Pike Place Market, where he spent the day going to his favorite shops to buy spices and fruit and to look at art and watch people.

Monte was a good friend to many with a good ear, able to remember the events of your life and ask about them with genuine interest and concern. Adding a perspective that could lift your spirits when you didn’t realize they needed lifting.

Monte passed as he lived his life. Quietly, in his own home, on his own terms with gratefulness and a wry quip. His last words were:

“Thank you for filling my life with so much love. Monte has left the building.”

There will be a memorial for friends and family of Monte at Dig Deep, August 11th, at 4:00 p.m. Please come and share your memories and thoughts of Monte.