It will require a lot more coordination, but will be more resilient.
With these hardships have come stories of the power of community crowdfunding in our own backyards.
Nonprofits around the state are struggling to make ends meet during the pandemic, according to a new study by the…
It’s been a month since the governor imposed the new rules. And the pandemic has only gotten worse.
Outbreak at Seattle jail; individuals transferred to medical isolation at Kent facility
The county agreed to pay $100,000 after being sued after a 2016 K-9 unit arrest.
More than 65 species of plants have gone extinct in the U.S. and Canada since European colonization, according to a…
WA Notify uses privacy-preserving technology to help stop the spread of disease
Previous record 85% in 2012
Artists Sunday is an online directory that connects artists across the county, state and nation.
Public Health—Seattle & King County report breaks down exposure settings; answers questions about spread
Natural gas prices went up a month ago
It outlines ways the state will protect and maintain forest health.