Washington State Ferries released the final draft of its revised triangle route schedule this evening, just before tomorrow’s meeting about it in West Seattle. The schedule is set to go into effect in March.
WSF also released a summary of the more than 300 comments it has received about the schedule.
Details and analysis of the schedule and the comments will be forthcoming; in the mean time, a copy of the schedule is included here.
The meeting tomorrow will be with Washington State Ferries, the Triangle Route Improvement Task Force and the three Ferry Advisory Committees. It will be at 4:30 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 12, at The Fauntleroy Church. Free buses are shuttling people to the meeting from the chamber parking lot. Space on the busses will be first-come, first served; departures are set for 2:30 and 2:50 p.m. to be on the 3:25 ferry.