Patty Freebourn, known by islanders for her tamales, is ready to shake things up in the island culinary scene. She plans to open her own restaurant in town next month, in the space where her professional kitchen is located, across from Chase Bank.
Patty’s Place will be a breakfast and lunch destination with a global menu of offerings available throughout the day, according to Freebourn, who promises delicious food hailing from all corners of the world and where, she said, her patrons won’t have to pay their bill with their first born child.
“I want them to come in and enjoy and sit down and [not] pay too much but yet enjoy good food,” said Freebourn. “As a chef, I like to create, and when I create good stuff, I like to hear the people say, ‘Mmm, this is good.’ And that’s what [inspires] my drive to create more.”
Freebourn said that opening the restaurant is the culmination of a lot of hard work and the answer to calls she has heard from islanders for an affordable, quality meal in a family-friendly setting. Her breakfast will include eggs in a variety of styles, omelets, waffles made from her grandmother’s recipe, pancakes, toast and the tamale breakfast — huevos rancheros on a tamale in a sauce with eggs topped off with cheese. Everything will be made from scratch.
“The passion for my food, I wish you could see it. It’s immense,” she said.
Her lunchtime menu consists of dishes that are a part of her culture — she is half Korean and half Mexican, and she said she wants to share the best of her skills with Vashon.
Freebourn said guests should expect to feel hard-pressed to choose between Korean spare ribs for lunch with sticky rice and Asian salad, or a finely cut, grilled Japanese yakiniku-style steak; perhaps a French onion soup, with a dash of cheese and crostini crust; or grilled Cajun chicken served over linguine with a creamy wine sauce. She said they’ll be plenty more of her own recipes to savor.
And of course, there will be her famous tamales, which Freebourn said will continue to be sold at the Farmer’s Market throughout the season. But at Patty’s Place, guests won’t find hamburgers, or French fries, or BLTs. Those who want something “ordinary” to eat, said Freebourn, need not stop in for a bite.
Patty’s Place won’t be open for dinner, except on First Fridays. She is tight-lipped about the decor of the restaurant’s interior, so plan to be surprised when visiting for the first time —and, she added, for her food to win over the island.
“I want people to know what Patty is made of, what Patty can do,” she said.