The passage of the recent levy gives our parks $5 million for the next four years. Through careful maintenance and well-chosen upgrades, we need “to take care of what we have.” If elected, I will strive to make our parks clean, safe, accessible, and beautiful. We need to complete the boat house, repair and upgrade the pool, clear and restore areas of Paradise Ridge, improve the trails at Burton Acres, complete the improvement of the Burton Activity Center, upgrade the playground at Ober Park, finish the ball field project, regrade at Agren Park and save the Tramp Harbor dock.
In addition, we need to provide more restroom facilities and upgrade appearances to include the small things, such as tables, benches, litter cans and safe walkways.
Finally, we need to encourage use of the parks through friendlier rules and procedures and the lowest possible fees.
History of Public Service:
Vashon Children’s Center: President
Started program for low cost childcare
Partners in Education (PIE): Founding member
Public spokesman (25 Years) Gave 75 presentations at back-to-school nights
Vashon Youth Soccer: President 4 years, coach 6 years
School District:
Friends of the schools, worked to pass levies 20 years.
Chairman of committee to pass levy to build Chautauqua Elementary
Community Public Health and Safety Network: Appointed to committee by Gov. Lowry
Park District: Commissioner 30 Years:
Lead Commissioner for obtaining grants on the following projects;
“Mainers Field”
Improve fields and lights at McMurray
Rowing Center
Fern Cove
Wrote the business model to restore Point Robinson
Creator of the “Vashon Commons Agreement” School District – Park District
Lead Commissioner to keep the Library at Ober Park.