Strawberry Festival 2024: Unofficial Mayor’s Race

One dollar for one vote: Vashon’s Unofficial Mayor’s race is on.

Vashon’s Unofficial Mayor race enters its final stretch this weekend, as candidates chase their last votes during the opening hours of Strawberry Festival.

The winner will be announced at 12:45 p.m. Saturday, July 20, on the Festival Main Stage at Ober Park.

Most islanders know by now how the race works: now, through July 20, they can cast their votes, for $1 each — as many as they like — for their favorite candidates.

Each year, Vashon-Maury Island Chamber of Commerce hosts the fundraiser, aimed at raising money for worthy island causes. Each dollar donated is considered a vote, and at the end of the campaign, the candidate with the most cash wins.

In recent years, the mayoral race has been increasingly dominated by four-legged candidates. (Last year’s contest winner actually had eight legs — Jolene and Moose, a baby longhorn steer and her guardian dog, representing the Old Goats Home animal rescue organization, won the race.)

This year, the rule still holds, with only one actual human in the race — soon-to-be 100-year old islander Marjorie Watkins, running to support Vashon Senior Center. Another sapien, however, is also portraying a fictional troll in the race — island artist and expert costumer Matt Beursken embodies the candidacy of Edgar the Forest King, the brother of Vashon’s now world-famous Oscar the Bird King.

Meet the candidates, and cast as many votes as you like, at

Andy the Service Dog

Running on behalf of the Vashon Food Bank, Andy and his human, Robyn Silva, are both long-time food bank volunteers. Andy believes that everyone deserves access to nutritious food and that everyone deserves to choose what food they eat and how they receive it, because there is dignity in choice.

Buddy Butterbean Bukowski

Buddy is running on behalf of Vashon Youth and Family Services (VYFS).

Buddy stands as a symbol of community resilience and compassion — embodying VYFS’s mission to foster a thriving, emotionally healthy community. VYFS prioritizes supporting Vashon’s most vulnerable populations.

As an unofficial ambassador, Buddy promotes inclusivity and unity, advocating for the well-being of all island residents, especially those facing challenges, said VYFS. His candidacy highlights the importance of emotional health and community support, ensuring that every individual on Vashon feels valued and supported.

Edgar for Oscar, the Bird King

Oscar the Bird King is a new resident on Maury Island, encouraging humans to get outside and enjoy nature. Now, Edgar the Forest King has come to help Oscar spread his message.

Edgar, Oscar’s brother, encourages us to reuse and repurpose, and to minimize our trash. Oscar sits on his throne with the birds around him and reminds us, with his pointed finger, that we are responsible for the health and care of the environment. Edgar is more mobile and carries the message of recycling and preservation out into the greater Vashon community.

Who is the benefactor of Edgar’s campaign? Oscar.

All money collected will be put into a fund, “Friends of Oscar the Bird King” managed by the Chamber of Commerce, for maintenance and care of Oscar, the grounds around him, and programming involving Oscar for the Vashon community.

Oscar the Bird King was designed, created, and installed on Maury Island by Thomas Dambo in 2023, with the assistance of more than 80 Vashon volunteers. Oscar is part of the “Northwest Trolls: Way of the Bird King” exhibition presented by Scan Design Foundation in partnership with the Paul Allen Family Foundation and local partners Vashon Parks District, Vashon Land Trust, the Vashon Chamber of Commerce, and Vashon Center for the Arts.

Edgar, created by islander Matt Beursken in 2023, is made of scrap wood, a pair of old bib overalls, and a jacket from the trash can.


Fiona, a cuddly, charming, and playful Havanese, is running on behalf of VARSA, which provides island youth with numerous programs to support their mental well-being and live substance-free lives.

Fiona’s handlers say that support for her candidacy and VARSA is important to provide a “paw-sitive” future for Vashon youth.

Marjorie Watkins

Marj Watkins, the beloved author of countless columns and recipes in island papers, will celebrate her 100th birthday at Strawberry Festival 2024.

In the 1970s, Marj began writing a column called “The Island Epicure”, in the Vashon-Maury Island Beachcomber. After many years there, her column moved to the Vashon Loop. For over 50 years, Marj has shared recipes for food, medicine and life with generations of Island readers.

Her daughter Suzanna Leigh and son-in-law Rich Osborne thought Marj would make a fantastic unofficial mayor, and they asked her if she’d run on behalf of Vashon Senior Center.

Marj’s response: “Why not? Those kids could use some help.”

“What a lovely birthday present this would be, being voted unofficial mayor — think about it: how many other mayors turn 100 years old the day they’re elected?” asked Leigh and Osborne. “Really, this is the candidate who should win in 2024.”

“While we appreciate and applaud every single animal (and human) running this year, we’re pulling out all the stops to cheer on one of our favorite soon-to-be centenarians,” they said. “Celebrate 100 human years and give our friend Marj Watkins the best present ever — vote Marj for Mayor.”

Nisqually for Vashon Rotary

Meet Nisqually, the adorable three-year-old Golden Retriever running for unofficial mayor of Vashon.

With his friendly demeanor and wagging tail, Nisqually brings joy and smiles to everyone he meets. His campaign is dedicated to supporting Rotary youth programs, including the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) and high school scholarships.

Nisqually’s platform focuses on investing in the future of our youth. By raising funds for these important programs, he aims to provide leadership development opportunities and financial support for deserving students. Nisqually, said Rotary members, believes in empowering young people to achieve their full potential, and he knows that a strong community starts with a solid foundation for its youth.

Join Nisqually’s campaign to make a positive impact on the lives of our young leaders,” Rotary urged islanders. “With your support, we can ensure that Vashon’s future shines bright.”

Uncle Wigglebottom for Camp Sealth

Uncle Wigglebottom, representing childhood and magic, is the spirit of Vashon’s beloved Camp Sealth.

“He creates a safe space for comfort and imagination — he is the wind in the trees, the silly seals, the smell of the campfire, and the spirit of nature. He puts the camper’s hearts at ease and is the overseer of Camp Sealth. Campers can drop a letter in his official mailbox whether in need of a friend, storytelling of their days’ adventures or just to say hello. He often writes back.”

A group of Vashon’s former unofficial mayors met up at the Village Green with a candidate for this year’s contest. From left to right: Bernie O’Malley (who served with Hilary Emmer as the mayoral duo of “Bernie and Hilary,” representing Vashon Senior Center, in 2015-16; Edgar the Forest King, current candidate on behalf of Oscar the Bird King; Colleen Carette (a.k.a. Tinkerbell) who represented the Interfaith Council to Prevent Homelessness as mayor in 2017-18; and Lynann Politte (a.k.a Eirene the Goddess of Peace) who represented the DOVE Project as mayor in 2019. (Courtesy photo.)

A group of Vashon’s former unofficial mayors met up at the Village Green with a candidate for this year’s contest. From left to right: Bernie O’Malley (who served with Hilary Emmer as the mayoral duo of “Bernie and Hilary,” representing Vashon Senior Center, in 2015-16; Edgar the Forest King, current candidate on behalf of Oscar the Bird King; Colleen Carette (a.k.a. Tinkerbell) who represented the Interfaith Council to Prevent Homelessness as mayor in 2017-18; and Lynann Politte (a.k.a Eirene the Goddess of Peace) who represented the DOVE Project as mayor in 2019. (Courtesy photo.)