School district seeks Islanders to write voter’s pamphlet statements about maintenance and tech levy

Vashon Island School District is looking for writers to compose 75-word statements in support and against the $2.7 million maintenance and technology levy that will be on the Nov. 3 ballot.

Vashon Island School District is looking for writers to compose 75-word statements in support and against the $2.7 million maintenance and technology levy that will be on the Nov. 3 ballot.

The statements will appear in King County’s November Voter’s Pamphlet. The Vashon school district must submit the names of those who will write statements by August 11. Final statements are due to King County on Wednesday, Aug. 19, and rebuttals are due Friday, Aug. 21.

The maintenance and technology levy would fund facility maintenance, major repairs and preventative maintenance as well as pay for instructional technology including equipment and technology network upgrades, staff development, software upgrades and technical support.

The levy would provide $900,000 annually for the years 2010 through 2013, and would cost taxpayers approximately 34 cents per $1,000 of assessed home value. For a $500,000 home, it would cost about $171.40 per year (or $14.30 per month).

Anyone interested in writing a “pro” or “con” statement about the levy should contact superintendent Michael Soltman at or 463-2121 x. 8123, by Monday, Aug. 10.