Scene & Heard: Celebrating Granny’s Attic volunteers

Island artist and resident River Morales visited volunteers and staff to make caricatures of them.

On Aug. 8, Granny’s Attic reinstated a tradition that had fallen by the wayside during the COVID years by hosting a semi-annual “Volunteer Appreciation Lunch” in the thrift store.

Open to all 120+ volunteers and ten staff members, the lunch was a way for the nonprofit thrift store to thank volunteers for their hours of hard work and dedication to the cause of Granny’s Attic — supporting island non-profits and health causes through store donations and sales.

The lunch, catered by Casa Bonita with dessert from Vashon Island Bakery, allowed everyone at Granny’s to thank everyone else for their hard work.

A special visit from island artist and resident River Morales also gave volunteers and staff members the opportunity to poke some fun at themselves — with the talented artist doing caricature drawings of some of the volunteers and staff.

Morales will also take part in Granny’s Attic First Friday event, from 6-8 p.m. Friday, Sept. 1. Stop by the store that night, and receive a free drawing by River with any purchase.

Correction: In a photo caption accompanying the print edition of this article (Aug. 31 Beachcomber), Brian Vescovi was identified as the store manager of Granny’s Attic. Vescovi is the executive director of the nonprofit store; Barry Cooper is the store manager. We strive for accuracy and regret the error.