Scene & Heard: Ham radio operators back in action

Operators practice procedures and message handling, and they must be equipped to work in all kinds of weather.

The motto for Ham Radio operators goes: “When all else fails, Ham Radio.” To make sure it remains true, Vashon’s Auxiliary Communications Service (ACS) trains all the time.

It’s a bigger job than making sure the radios work. Operators practice procedures and message handling, and they must be equipped to work in all kinds of weather.

On the weekend of March 25, 19 radio operators convened at Island Center Forest to practice using handheld radios as well as standard procedures and message handling. They showed up prepared for rain or shine weather, as well as the safety and comfort needs for a day in the field.

“Everybody has been eager to get back to our training, which was pretty much shut down due to COVID,” said Michael Meyer (KB7MTM), Vashon ACS Manager. “We had a really productive day of exercising our skills, the kind of thing we’d need to support search and rescue missions or teams responding to a disaster situation.”

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