Lower speed limit proposed for north end stretch of Vashon Highway

The speed limit along a 2-mile stretch of Vashon Highway on the north end will likely soon be lowered, and islanders are encouraged to comment on the proposal, according to the King County Department of Transportation.

The speed limit along a 2-mile stretch of Vashon Highway on the north end will likely soon be lowered, and islanders are encouraged to comment on the proposal, according to the King County Department of Transportation.

The area slated for a 45 mph limit, down from the current 50 mph limit, spans from just north of SW 156th Street to Burma Road.

An announcement about the project indicated that the department had received complaints about unsafe speeds on that stretch and that officials conducted a speed limit evaluation, which determined that 85 percent of vehicles travel 50 mph or less in that area.

Members of the King County Road and Traffic Engineering Unit say they also reviewed roadway factors, such as adjacent land uses, roadway curves, vehicle collision history, pedestrian activity and roadside parking.

“These roadway factors for this section of Vashon Hwy. SW support lowering the speed limit to 45 mph,” they said in a recent email.

Members of the engineering unit also said a reduction of 5 mph will make a difference as it is the speed of the majority of drivers and that it “increases compliance with the law and reduces the speed differential of vehicles so that more vehicles are traveling near the same speed.”

As part of the outreach efforts to islanders, letters are being sent to residents who live on nearby roads. Other islanders are also encouraged to comment or ask questions through Community Relations Planner DeAnna Martin at 477-3835 or deanna.martin@kingcounty.gov. Comments will be accepted through Sept. 2.

If no new significant issues are raised within this comment period, Department of Transportation officials say the speed limit will change this fall.