Let the poetry hunt begin

In celebration of April’s status as National Poetry month, two island poets, Rain O’Shine, 17, and Lily Robinthal, 16, are putting a literary twist on a classic party game.

In celebration of April’s status as National Poetry month, two island poets, Rain O’Shine, 17, and Lily Robinthal, 16, are putting a literary twist on a classic party game. The two homeschooled poets have created an island-wide scavenger hunt — not for objects but for words, specifically words from a poem.

O’Shine and Robinthal will tack the first line from a poem they have chosen to a billboard on the island. In addition to the line of poetry there will be a clue to the next billboard, where poetry hunters will find  the next line in the poem and the following clue.

The mission, O’Shine, said is to “find the first billboard, pick up the first line of the  poem and follow the clue to the next billboard. At the end of your journey, you will have a full poem.”

The first clue for the poetry scavenger hunt will be posted on the bulletin board in the hallway in between Kronos and the Vashon Bookshop.

— Juli Goetz Morser