Happenings | August 15 edition

A big community council meeting, the Comunidad Mercado and a car wash fundraiser.

Community Council

Learn more about Vashon’s power lines at the next meeting of the Vashon-Maury Community Council, held from 7-9 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 15, on Zoom or in person at Vashon Center for the Arts. The venue has changed to VCA due to an expected large turnout.

The Community Council meeting will also include two votes on motions set forth by members. One motion, proposed by Katy Ballard, who has been an outspoken critic of plans by the Seattle Indian Health Board to site its new Thunderbird Treatment Center on Vashon, would authorize the Community Council to “inform King County Council members and the Executive that Vashon residents must be given their legal right to a public forum about this new zoning that would allow drug rehab and psychiatric hospitals in any residential neighborhood on Vashon.”

Friends of Thunderbird, a group supportive of the Health Board’s plans, has urged islanders to vote no to the motion, saying it is meant to sow confusion and that there is already ample opportunity for public comment to the County including a public meeting scheduled for November.

Another motion, proposed by Steve Bergam, would state that “Initiative 2117, which will appear on the November ballot, would allow climate polluters to resume polluting our air and water for free. The Vashon-Maury Community Council opposes initiative 2117 and commits to adding our name to the list of coalition partners on the No 2117 website in support of the motion.”

Residents must join the Council to vote. Find out more, including the Zoom link to the meeting, at v-mcc.org.

Car wash

A car wash fundraiser for Vashon High School volleyball will take place from 10 a.m. through 2 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 18, at the IGA parking lot.

Senior Center

Join Vashon Senior Center’s photography club, which meets in person at the Center at 10 a.m. every third Wednesday of the month, and all other Wednesdays at 10 a.m. on Zoom. Photographers of all skill levels, using smartphones, DSLRs, or mirrorless cameras are welcome. Contact Wade Yip at photoclubvsc@gmail.com for more information.

The Senior Center’s Deena Eber and Vashon Park District are offering free Tai Chi classes every Wednesday at the Ober Park movement classroom. Tai Chi Fundamentals will be held from 12:15 to 1 p.m., followed by a Tai Chi class from 1-2 p.m.

Questions? Call 463-5173, or visit vashoncenter.org.

Health insurance

Miguel Urquiza, representative of King County Public Health, will help islanders sign up for health insurance, food stamps, and King County Metro’s reduced fare program from 12-3 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 17, and again from 12:30-3 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 18, at Vashon Library. This is for health insurance that will start the following month.

Those dates not convenient? Contact Urquiza for help at 206-477-6965, 206-491-3761, or miguel.urquiza@kingcounty.gov.

Comunidad Mercado

Comunidad Latina de Vashon will hold its 7th annual Mercado from 4-9 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 17, at Vashon Theatre’s Backlot. The open-air market will feature vendors, delicious food, and more from Vashon’s vibrant Latino community.

Havurah Celebration

Vashon Havurah’s annual celebration and dinner will take place from 4-8 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 18, at the Havurah. Caterered by Dingfelder’s Jewish Deli, the event will include klezmer and bluegrass music by Croaker, dancing, games, fun, and a raffle for tickets to the musical, “Hamilton.” Find out more and get tickets at tinyurl.com/Vashon-Havurah.

Virginia V

The 2024 Circumnavigation of Vashon Maury Islands aboard the historic steamship the Virginia V, a beloved annual event hosted by Vashon Heritage Museum, will depart from the North End Passenger Ferry Dock at 12:30 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 18, and arrive back at the dock at 4:30 p.m.

The event is currently sold out — email cameroncooper@vashonheritage.org to get on the waiting list. Find out more or donate to support the Heritage Museum at vashonheritagemuseum.org.

Quilt Guild

Vashon Quilt Guild will meet at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 20, in the community room of Vashon Lutheran Church.

The guest speaker will be Ted Hoffman, owner of Clothworks, a Seattle firm that designs, manufactures, and distributes fabric to the quilting community in the U.S. and around the world. Hoffman bought the more than 50-year-old business in 2006. His presentation is called “The Business of Fabric.”

Guests are welcome, admission is free.

Walk in the Woods

The fifth Walk in the Woods, led by Vashon Forest Stewards, will go around Fisher Pond — the late Bill Fisher’s incredible gift to the community. The site is a 90-acre wildlife preserve one mile from town. Learn about Fisher’s forest stewardship plan and how the Vashon-Maury Island Land Trust and Vashon Park District are managing it today. All Walk in the Woods programs are free.

The walk will take place at 10 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 24. Meet at Bill’s green warehouse on Bank Road. For more information, contact David Warren at 206-295-6670 or email vashonforests@gmail.com.

Vashon HouseHold Fundraiser

Jam out and help Vashon HouseHold “Raise the Roof” at its 3rd Annual Summer Concert and Fundraiser. The event will take place at 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 24, at Dig Deep Gardens, and include live music by St. Ophelia, dancing, food, drinks, and mingling with the community — all to raise funding to combat housing insecurity on Vashon. This is a 21+ event. More information and tickets are available at vashonhousehold.org/raise-the-roof.

Services Van

Washington’s DSHS Mobile Office will bring its services to the Vashon Food Bank’s parking lot from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, Sept 11, at 10030 SW 210th St. Apply inside the van for food, cash, and medical services. Islanders can also drop off paperwork, complete a case, make changes to an existing case, or request food stamps.

Celebrate scouting

Celebrate 100 years of Vashon Island scouting from 3-5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 14, at the Vashon Sportsmen’s Club. The Vashon community, scouting alumni, family, and friends are invited to enjoy family-friendly games, a free chili feed, and 100 years of memorabilia from Troop 294 on Vashon. Reconnect with old friends, make new ones, and learn what makes scouting on Vashon so special.

Correction: The venue for this week’s Vashon-Maury Island Community Council meeting was changed after The Beachcomber’s print edition went to press. It is correctly listed here as being at the Vashon Center for the Arts, a larger venue than the council’s regular venue.