Flash opera takes over the market

Island agriculture and arts culture collided last Saturday, when a bustling morning scene at the Farmers Market was suddenly interrupted by the strains of a German operetta. The opera flash mob was orchestrated by Vashon Opera, which is gearing up to kick off its fifth season with a production of Johann Strauss’ “Die Fledermaus” on Sept. 20 and 22 at the Vashon High School theater.

Island agriculture and arts culture collided last Saturday, when a bustling morning scene at the Farmers Market was suddenly interrupted by the strains of a German operetta. The opera flash mob was orchestrated by Vashon Opera, which is gearing up to kick off its fifth season with a production of Johann Strauss’ “Die Fledermaus” on Sept. 20 and 22 at the Vashon High School theater.

The cast of “Die Fledermaus” will include a slate of professional singers from Seattle as well as Portland, with islanders in supporting and non-singing roles and filling a 45-member chorus.

Jennifer Krikawa, who heads the Vashon Opera with her husband Andy, said the show should appeal to opera fans and skeptics alike. Though written in German, “Die Fledermaus” will be sung in English, and as a comic operetta, it includes spoken acting along with singing and is full of humor. “An operetta sort of crosses a little bit into the musical theater side,” Krikawa said. “I think it’s really accessible to a person who’s not quite sure about the seriousness of opera.”

The show climaxes with a rollicking party in Vienna, where more islanders will play a role. Singer Kevin Joyce, magician Tom Pruiksma, a troupe of ballerinas and local aerial artists will all act as entertainers at the lavish Viennese ball. “Every opera company gets to put in its own little thing,” Krikawa said.

In all, about 130 islanders have a hand in the show, either on stage or behind the scenes, and most are volunteers. On Saturday, Krikawa, Portland singer Wesley Morgan, who will play Eisenstein, and Andy Krikawa  belted out “The Champaign Song” and were joined by about 25 chorus members who startled many when they began to sing from the middle of the market crowd (bottom photo).

For more on the Vashon Opera production of “Die Fledermaus” and how to purchase tickets, see www.vashonopera.org.