Donations to nonprofits go further on GiveBIG Day

For one 24-hour period next week, donations made to a number of Vashon organizations can go a little further, increased by the Seattle Foundation as part of its annual GiveBIG Day.

For one 24-hour period next week, donations made to a number of Vashon organizations can go a little further, increased by the Seattle Foundation as part of its annual GiveBIG Day.

Between midnight and midnight on Wednesday, May 2, online donations made to organizations registered with the Seattle Foundation will be increased with money from a “stretch pool.”

Donations will be matched on a percentage basis. For example, if an organization receives 5 percent of the total donations, it will receive 5 percent of the stretch funds.

About a dozen Vashon nonprofits of varying sizes are participating in GiveBIG Day, including the Vashon Island Public Schools Foundation, Vashon HouseHold and Vashon Community Care.

The amount in the stretch pool this year hasn’t been disclosed, but last year it was $500,000.

For more information or to donate, see