The Dockton Park marina, a King County Parks property, continues to face delays in repairs, as the marina remains closed to the public.
The marina, which has been closed since March 2019, requires renovation to “more than 80 percent of the facility,” according to King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks. These renovations include the outer, breakwater dock area and interior finger piers.
So far, King County has removed deteriorated interior and breakwater finger piers, installed skid-resistant coating on the fixed piers and replaced guides and wheels on gang planks. In addition, the County has removed creosote pilings and replaced them with galvanized, epoxy coated steel piles on the interior and wrapped the creosote pilings on the fixed pier.
Originally, construction was expected to be completed by April 2021. However, delays caused by global supply chain issues have left elements of the project left to complete, said Doug Williams, Media Relations Coordinator for King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks.
Among those projects at the marina that still need to be completed, said Williams, are new floats for the inner moorage and access dock, replacing deteriorated interior and main walkway floats with new ones made with aluminum frames and fiberglass decking and replacing timber structures as needed on the breakwater.
“The good news is that we’re hoping to get this work done by late May, clearing the way for a portion of the marina to be available for public use by the Memorial Day weekend, including moorage space for up to 30 boats,” said Williams.
The breakwater will remain closed until it is replaced, which is slated for 2023, according to Williams.