
• A student’s name was misspelled in the caption that went with “Perfect Fit,” a “Scene & Heard” photo in last week’s paper. Her name is Caitlin Willing.

• On last week’s Arts page, a wrong date was listed for an upcoming performance of “Dark Carny” at Red Bicycle Bistro & Sushi. The production will be performed on Friday, Oct. 24, and Thursday, Oct. 30.

• In an article last week about the proposed Vashon teacher’s contract, the amount of compensation above the state minimum salary was misstated. Vashon teachers receive, under the new contract, 16 days of additional pay, meaning the district pays teachers more than several of its peer districts, but less than a few. The salary for a beginning teacher with only a bachelor’s degree is therefore also higher than what was stated in The Beachcomber.