Committee seeks nominations for the VMICC board

The Vashon-Maury Island Community Council’s Nominating Committee is seeking nominations for nine board positions. This is an opportunity for community residents to become more involved in leadership, expressing community voices and concerns to King County and other governmental entities.

The deadline for receipt of nominations is midnight on Friday, Oct. 8. Service begins Dec. 1; a board term lasts two years.

As a community resident, you might wonder what the duties of a board member are. The VMICC’s by-laws (available on the web at describe the duties as follows:

“Set agendas for the general meetings; implement decisions taken at the general meetings; serve as interface between the community and other government entities; monitor and evaluate all committees; (and) develop policies subject to approval at the general meeting.” Board members are also required to attend two meetings each month — the board meeting and the general membership meeting. Outside the meetings, some portion of the board’s work is conducted via e-mail.

According to the state Attorney General’s Office and the King County Prosecutor, the VMICC must comply with the Washington Nonprofit Corporation Act (RCW 24.03); the Open Public Meetings Act (RCW 42.30); and the Public Records Act (RCW 42.57). VMICC board members need to be familiar with the provisions of these laws.

The Nominating Committee is seeking candidates for all nine board positions and will ask all nominees to complete a one-page application. After the Oct. 8 application deadline, the committee will compile a list of nominees and submit the list to the community council’s newly appointed Elections Committee. The Elections Committee will request a statement of all nominees that will be published in The Beachcomber and available on the ballot. It will also prepare the ballot, mail it to all homes on Vashon-Maury Island and count the votes.

Voting is open to all Island residents, 18 years or older. The Elections Committee will then prepare a motion for the general meeting in November, when the elected board members will be ratified.

— John Staczek chairs the VMICC’s Nominating Committee.

For more information

Board candidates must be an Island resident 16 years of age or older. For more information or to nominate yourself or someone else, contact one of the following members of the Nominating Committee: Ron Irvine at or 931-4703; Gay Rosser at or 605-4776; or John Staczek at or 463-1959.