Chasan to chair school board

Dan Chasan, re-elected this fall to a second four-year term on the Vashon Island School Board, will become the five-member board’s new chair.

Dan Chasan, re-elected this fall to a second four-year term on the Vashon Island School Board, will become the five-member board’s new chair.

Bob Hennessey will be the board’s vice-chair.

Chasan, a writer, lawyer and longtime Islander, said he plans to run the meetings efficiently and work to keep the board focused on the agenda, “which I think in the long run everybody prefers.”

The district, meanwhile, faces several daunting tasks, from shepherding the completion of a new $47.7 million high school to grappling with ongoing cutbacks at the state level. “It’s pretty clear what we’ll have to deal with,” he said.