King County is currently accepting applications for its 2017 Community Engagement Grant program which awards funds for community-focused projects or events in unincorporated Community Service Areas. A total of $60,000 is available to be distributed in amounts up to — but not exceeding — $5,000 for each grantee.
“This will be the fifth year that the county has made these grants available,” Marissa Alegria, Community Service Area (CSA) grant staff lead said of the program. “Inclusive community engagement is the goal.”
Some types of projects that have received these grants include events such as concerts, festivals or educational and safety programs; enhancement projects such as tree planting, graffiti removal and neighborhood clean-ups; community-led planning or training and neighborhood or community signage projects. All activities must demonstrate accessibility to all residents in the community, regardless of race, income or language spoken.
Last year, seven Vashon organizations applied and four were awarded grants.
Low Tide Celebration, Vashon Fibershed, Zero Waste Vashon and Sustainable Vashon each received $1,000 for projects in 2016’s funding cycle. In total for 2016, 36 projects were funded across the county out of 57 applications.
“We’d really like to see more applications,” Alegria said.
The $60,000 allocated for the program still needs to be approved by the county under next year’s budget. Alegria said that she had no indication that budget approval should be of concern and that recipients would be notified in February of their awards.
The county will accept CSA Community Engagement Grant applications until 5 p.m. Friday, Nov. 18. For application instructions, criteria and general information, see service-areas/engagement-grants.aspx.
—Sarah Low