Algae bloom prompts Water District 19 restrictions

Emergency water rules could last through mid-September.

Due to an algae bloom in Water District 19’s settling/recycle ponds that developed last week, the district has implemented emergency restrictions on water usage that could last through mid-September.

Those restrictions ask all users in the district to conserve water and refrain from non-essential uses. (A full list of the restrictions appears below.)

The restrictions apply only to customers of Water District 19, which provides water to the eastern central portion of Vashon Island and a small area within the northwest section of Maury Island.

The water that district customers are receiving is safe, according to the district. The algae bloom has not affected the water distribution system.

“All the water’s been tested, because (the) Department of Health has asked us to do that, and it’s come back as safe to drink,” district office administrator Melody Snyder said.

Algae, which are photosynthetic organisms, can rapidly explode in population under certain circumstances. Those blooms can pose harm to creatures that live in or drink from the waters they occupy. This specific algae bloom was exacerbated by the summer heat, Snyder said.

Dealing with the bloom will take some time, Snyder said.

First, the district will need to drain the pond entirely and then remove the accumulated sediment from the bottom of the pond. Then, they’ll need to pressure wash the pond clean to rid it of any algal traces.

The restrictions will likely through mid-September, according to the district. Like so many things on Vashon-Maury island, the timing is dependent on getting contractors to the island to do the work.

“The board of commissioners, general manager, operators — even (office support staff member Kathy Good) and I in the office — are doing everything we can to get the information out to our customers … and everything we can to get it taken care of in a timely manner,” Snyder said. “These algae blooms do occur. We’re all working hard to make sure this situation passes.”

The Beachcomber will report when the emergency restrictions cease.


During this period, Water District 19 users must follow the “moderate” emergency conditions according to the district:

• No watering of lawns, including the grass areas of public use athletic and physical education fields

• No washing of sidewalks, walkways, driveways, parking lots, or other impervious surface areas

• No washing of any building or structure

• No washing of any motor vehicle, boat, travel trailer other than for safety cleaning of windows

• No tap water served to customers at restaurants unless requested by the customer to whom it is provided

• No use of water for fire department drills or burn house exercises

• No use of water to fill any indoor or outdoor swimming pools or spas

• No use of water for operating private or public fountains or ponds for aesthetic or scenic uses

• Bulk water restrictions at the Board’s discretion