Adventures and service lead trio to shared achievement

Danny Boyle, George Murphy and Isaac Danielsen all earned the rank of Eagle, a goal reached by less than five percent of Scouts nationwide.

Vashon’s Scout Troop 294 gathered at the Vashon Sportsmen’s Club, on July 9, to honor its three newest Eagle Scouts.

Danny Boyle, George Murphy and Isaac Danielsen all earned the rank of Eagle over the past year, a goal reached by less than five percent of Scouts nationwide. Since 1970, 104 Scouts of Troop 294 have become Eagle Scouts.

Former Scoutmaster Chick Green described the long trail to Eagle followed by each scout.

Boyle and Danielsen began their journey together, as first graders, in Vashon’s Cub Scout Pack 275. Murphy was a member of Troop 48 in Chesapeake, Virginia, before moving to Vashon in 2017. When Murphy joined Troop 294, the three boys quickly bonded and became a strong trio of youth leaders for their troop.

At the ceremony, they shared memories of countless outdoor adventures, including an epic 62-mile hike across the Olympics, antics at Scout Camp, leading online meetings during the pandemic, and completing their Eagle requirements. “I couldn’t imagine two better people to go through this with than Danny and George,” said Danielson.

Peter Milovsoroff, another retired Scoutmaster, spoke to the significance of the Eagle rank and its many aspects, including personal growth, stewardship, mentoring and service. Addressing the troop’s newest Eagles, he said, “May the strength and competence that you gained through scouting carry you forward on your life’s journey.”

Scoutmaster and mentor Steve Kicinski remarked that Eagle Scouts have many unique and valuable skills, and charged the three young men to always “be that guy” who steps forward to help in any situation.

The requirements for Eagle rank include earning 21 merit badges, holding positions of leadership in the troop, and, finally, planning and completing a significant service project.

Boyle’s project involved building 25 nesting boxes for several bird species and installing them in the Judd Creek Natural Area for the Vashon-Maury Island Audubon Association.

Murphy designed and constructed a shed for after-hours food donations for the Vashon-Maury Island Food Bank.

Danielsen designed and built a fishing platform at the Vashon Sportsmen’s Club that will enable people of all abilities to safely access the pond.

Each project involved over 150 volunteer hours, with other Scouts, family, and community members participating in work parties.

Beyond their Eagle service projects, these three Scouts, and other members of Troop 294, have devoted countless hours to community service, including assisting members of the Vashon VFW with raising flags in town, participating in Memorial Day services, picking up beach and roadside trash, and working on other Eagle Scout projects.

Murphy graduated from Vashon High School in June. He plans to attend South Seattle College. Boyle and Danielsen will be seniors at Vashon High School this year. All three plan to continue their involvement with Scouts and Troop 294.

Scouting is open to all youth. Cub Scout Pack 275 welcomes ages 5 to 10, and Troop 294 serves ages 11 to 18.

More information about both groups can be found on their Facebook pages. To learn more about joining scouts, visit

Karen Boyle is the committee chair of Troop 294, and the mother of Eagle Scout Danny Boyle.