Hundreds of people descended on the Vashon Thriftway last week for a chance to meet Seattle Seahawks linebacker and Superbowl MVP Malcolm Smith. Serious fans began lining up before lunchtime on Dec. 9, and at 2 p.m. Smith set up shop in the store’s lobby as part of a promotion for Proctor & Gamble, with whom he has an endorsement deal. A long line of blue-and-green-clad fans took turns shaking Smith’s hand, getting autographs and taking photos with him.
“I’m still giddy over it,” said islander Karen Lindskog. Lindskog, who described her family as diehard Seahawks fans, took her daughter Madison Howard, 13, out of school an hour early to meet Smith. Howard, snapped a selfie with the linebacker, while Lindskog focused on getting signatures on some of her Seahawks memorabilia.
“I blabbered like an idiot. I was star-struck,” she said. “I could walk by President Obama … and not think anything of it, but a Seahawk, I was awestruck by the stardom of it.”
Tim Marsh, a Thriftway manager, estimated that 500 to 600 people showed up for the event, including some from off-island. Proctor & Gamble chose to bring Smith to Vashon because of the large volume of P&G products the island Thriftway sells. He visited another Thriftway the same day. “He was a very nice guy. Everybody liked him a lot,” Marsh said.
As for Smith, he said between signing photos that he enjoyed taking the ferry out to Vashon. “It’s a cool trip,” he said. “Everybody’s been friendly.”