Young thespians write, perform an original show

An original new theater piece, “Spirit of Two: The Mistake,” conceived and written by five preteens in a Vashon Allied Arts performance lab, will be performed at 8 p.m. Friday, June 10, at the Blue Heron.

 An original new theater piece, “Spirit of Two: The Mistake,” conceived and written by five preteens in a Vashon Allied Arts performance lab, will be performed at 8 p.m. Friday, June 10, at the Blue Heron.

 The play — an original fable inspired by both a Grimm’s fairy tale and the classic horror story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde — was created in a class run by Deborah King, a theater artist and teacher.

Working with King, the students developed the show out of games, improvisation, creative writing, storytelling and physical theater techniques, coming up with a tale about a man who splits himself in two in order to become more powerful and his ensuing quest to become whole again.

“The students have amazed me with their humor, their creativity, and their insight into the human condition,” said King.

The students who wrote the show — Hart Easley, Sam Everitt, Genevieve Payne, Jeffrey Parrish and Calder Stenn — will also perform it. Another student, Max Gross Shader, designed lights for the show.


Admission to the show is by donation, with all proceeds going to help fund Vashon Allied Arts youth programs.