VAA’s space-themed auction will support operations, scholarships

Inter galactic space travelers get ready. It’s time to don your favorite martian space suit, practice your best Vulcan salute and brush up on your Klingon. Phone E.T. for tips on how to dress for A Starry Starry Night, the second evening of Vashon Allied Art’s annual two-night auction. The galaxy of events begins at 5:30 p.m. Saturday at the Open Space for Arts & Community.

Inter galactic space travelers get ready. It’s time to don your favorite martian space suit, practice your best Vulcan salute and brush up on your Klingon. Phone E.T. for tips on how to dress for A Starry Starry Night, the second evening of Vashon Allied Art’s annual two-night auction. The galaxy of events begins at 5:30 p.m. Saturday at the Open Space for Arts & Community.

Riffing on the space theme, VAA Director of Communications Justin Huguet said the nonprofit is excited to hold “2014: An Art Odyssey” at the new venue.

“Space is a fitting theme for the great hall of Open Space,” Huguet said. “The ceiling is so high you almost expect to see the stars. It’s kind of like a planetarium.”

But the real stars will be hung on the walls at ground level, where 138 pieces of art will be auctioned off to support VAA’s operations and programs. The auction is the organization’s primary fundraiser.

According to Huguet, the event proceeds go towards the operating budget, while the raise-the-paddle funds are all earmarked for scholarships.

“Our goal this year is to raise $50,000 for scholarships,” Huguet said. “98 percent of our scholarship money comes from these two nights.”

Following a tradition that began in 1991, several artists have been commissioned by a panel of VAA staff and board members to create a special pieces for the auction.

“We always choose a Vashon artist,” said Janice Mallman, the VAA Gallery curator. “We’re not rigid in who we chose, but aside from just liking the work, we often ask artists who have contributed a lot to previous auctions.”

Saturday’s commissioned pieces include photography, encaustic and steel by Francesca Fuller, painting by Britt Freda and sculpture by Michael Magrath.

Birdhouse centerpieces, created and customized to look like rockets by 22 island artists, will also be up for bid along with an array of experiential items such as trips to New Orleans, New York, sailing in San Diego and a NASA travel package.

The evening’s cuisine will offer a gastronomic constellation of Northwest food and wine. Herban Feast will cater the meal, paired with wine from Northwest wineries — and some alien but premiere Italian vintners — plus cocktails by Seattle Distilling Company.

The auction’s ground control team will feature emcee Jeff Hoyt, auctioneer Kevin Joyce plus entertainer Steffon Moody and his crew.

For more event details, information about Friday’s auction and a closer look at auction items, visit Tickets are available at VAA.


— Juli Goetz Morser