Café Luna’s December art exhibit, “The Imaginary Tourist,” will offer Island lore and a dash of Chamber of Commerce-esque marketing when local artist and geologist Greg Wessel presents a series of faux travel posters hyping the charms of Vashon.
Jasper Forrester, owner of Green Man Farm, was this year’s winner of the Vashon Island Growers Association’s Pumpkin Pie Contest, now in its third year.
Visitors to Chautauqua Elementary School who walk past room 307 might hear the voices of one or two children reading — a common occurrence at an elementary school — but on venturing in, they may find an unexpected scene: soft blankets spread on the floor, an adult on each one resting against the wall and a child sitting on each blanket, too, reading to a dog.
Comedy smackdown After three weeks of touring and 19 shows, five comedians are left in the 29th Annual Seattle Comedy…
Two local bands will play shows at Café Luna over Thanksgiving weekend. Both performances are free.
Blue Heron Dance Company, with more than 50 dancers ages 6 to 18, will present their “Nutcracker” at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Dec. 5 and 6, and 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 7, at the Vashon High School theater.
Vashon Island Chorale will continue the tradition of kicking off the Island’s holiday season with its annual presentation of “A Celebration of Carols.”
The Backbone Campaign and will present “Start Me Up!” — another musical extravaganza of Vashon Island talent, this time featuring the music of The Rolling Stones.
The fundraiser will kick off at 7:30 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 29, at Red Bicycle Bistro & Sushi.
The 2008 Vashon Island Holiday Art Studio Tour will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays, Dec 6, 7, 13 and 14, at 32 art studios located all over the Island.
An Island resident for six years, award-winning author Karen Cushman said she never set out to be an author of young adult fiction.
“It’s just what comes out,” she said.
Islander Brad Matsen may have rewritten history.
His book, “Titanic’s Last Secrets,” posits a shocking new theory about the mammoth ship’s sinking, a theory that implicates the ship’s builders and designers in the tragic accident at sea.
Works by Vashon photographers Michelle Bates, Debra Paulsen, Ray Pfortner and Andie Styner are included in “Only in Washington.”
A Seattle-based accordion quartet, Hell’s Bellows!, will take the Blue Heron stage at 8 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 22. This is the group’s first Vashon appearance.