The story behind Davis Endava’s new children’s book began in an unexpected place: her mother-in-law’s house.
This season will include new creations, re-fashioned works, premieres, and joyful experiments.
“Romeo and Juliet” has it all — lavish parties, sword fights, devoted friendships, and the most tragic teenage romance ever told
Student Art Showcase, Country queens, Poetry readings, tu-NER at Open Space, and more.
Dumovich — known in the Seattle music scene as a “songwriter’s songwriter” — has been making music for over 30 years.
“Museum” gives each student in the show a chance to shine.
“I just love all the special memories that I have with my dad, starting from when I was really small.”
The trio includes Gustavo Ramirez Sansano, Ihsan Rustem, and Olivier Wevers.
Studio Tour continues, Tony McManus plays, VHS Theater presents “Museum”, and more.
An upcoming show will feature a trifecta of female talent.
The night will feature a round-robin of song sharing.
Tony McManus has been listed as one of the 50 most transcendent guitarists ever by Guitar PlayerMagazine.
The tour boasts 37 stops, including studios tucked all over, as well as other art venues and retail spots.