“Eden,” a dramatic feature film telling a survivor’s story of human trafficking, will be shown by Vashon Film Society this week as part of the First Friday Art Film Series at the Vashon Theatre. The movie is based on the real-life horror story of teenager Chong Kim, who was abducted in Oklahoma and trafficked into Las Vegas and California.
Director Megan Griffiths will appear at the Vashon Theatre for a Q&A after the screening of her film. Griffiths says she was drawn to the script because “it was a journey of a woman who was in a situation who wasn’t rescued by anyone. In the great majority of films there’s a police officer character who swoops in and saves the day. Eden had to be her own hero.”
Vashon-based editor Eric Frith will also attend the showing and participate in the discussion after the film.
Griffiths is nationally known in the independent film world as a director, producer and writer. She serves on the board of Northwest Film Forum and has been a recent panelist at the Sundance and SXSW film festivals. Her latest feature, “Lucky Them,” premiered at the Toronto Film Festival.
Friday’s feature has garnered critical acclaim for addressing the tough subject of sex trafficking. “Eden” has also been recognized with awards from SXSW, the Seattle and Milan International Film Festivals, the San Diego Asian American Film Festival and others.
“Eden” will screen at 9:30 p.m. Friday at the Vashon Theatre. Admission to the showing and discussion is $7.