Students shouldn’t forfeit scholarships | Letter to the Editor

I would like to applaud the efforts of the Vashon Community Scholarship Foundation for the marvelous effort and results for awarding financial support to so many Vashon High School graduating seniors.

I would like to applaud the efforts of the Vashon Community Scholarship Foundation for the marvelous effort and results for awarding financial support to so many Vashon High School graduating seniors.

I am very concerned, however, about the rigidity of the requirement for attendence, even in the case of a conflicting service to the community. My son is a counselor at Camp Waskowitz, and fulfilling his obligation as a counselor was not a sufficient reason for the Foundation to avoid forfeiture of his award.

I believe that this community would agree that there are reasonable circumstances other than illness or death that warrant excusal from the ceremony without forfeiting a financial award.


— Jon McWhirter