Sale means the loss of a special place on Vashon

I’m not a quilter. I don’t know the owners of Island Quilter. But I love color and light. And who doesn’t? Especially during the gray days of fall and winter. How wonderful it is to drive or walk by the large, wide-eyed windows in town to take in the many colors and designs and all the light!

I’m not a quilter. I don’t know the owners of Island Quilter. But I love color and light. And who doesn’t? Especially during the gray days of fall and winter. How wonderful it is to drive or walk by the large, wide-eyed windows in town to take in the many colors and designs and all the light!

It sure seems the owners have worked hard to develop their unique dream; they have invested much time and energy to make that space particularly their own. And how it gives to the community! I went in one day and was surprised to find a birthday party in progress put on by the store for a group of young girls. It was magical — all the color and particularly lovely dishes and things set out, all with the spirit of the young girl in mind. Who knew they did this and in such a unique way?

This isn’t a store, it’s a place to let fantasy play. The inspired quilts hung, large as life, talks on fiber arts. This isn’t a store, it’s a museum. Do we have another one like this on Vashon? I know caregivers go into Island Quilter to find comfort in an unspoken message that no matter the seasons of life, there is always a sun behind the clouds somewhere and there is beauty in life forever and always.

I was at yoga class when numbers of people shared with each other the sadness of the loss of this special place for Vashon. If you agree, I hope you will ask the new owners to use their resources to find another spot for another exercise space and continue to rent the colorful, light-filled corner to Island Quilter. Vashon just can’t lose this therapeutic museum fantasy play space of a store!

— Jo Ann Herbert