Well-meaning folks thought they could improve “driver safety” on Vashon with rumble strips, and they completely forgot to think about non-vehicular users. But we remember ourselves, and we are speaking up.
People in huge vehicles that can easily kill do use our roads. So why add signs to tell bikers to be more careful? Especially young children already new to the road. How about signs to encourage drivers to think more about bicyclists, equestrians, joggers, walkers and children?
Remember, all accidents that rumble strips are supposed to prevent are caused by illegal drivers. If you text, drive drunk, talk on a phone, drive tired or otherwise operate a fast-moving vehicle without paying attention to what you are doing, you might drive off the road. However, chances are very good that you will not hit someone at the same time.
Now, how many bicyclists are riding under equally illegal circumstances? Few to none. However, what are the chances that bicyclists who commute on our roads may move to avoid brush or debris in the road, will be riding in the dark or on a day when ice remains in those dark grooves and will slam into the ground at 15 to 40 mph with only a helmet to protect them? Given the two-plus injury accidents that have already occurred, those chances are high.
For those who enjoy using the roads in a non-vehicular way, we have lost value, safety and support on our roads from the rumble strips. Let’s increase driver awareness and show our support for non-vehicular travelers by thinking about them before we change the roads.
Public schools are open to all, and public roads must be safely open to all, as well.
— March Twisdale