What happened to the new high school? Where is the building that was going to identify Vashon? Quirky progressive, energy efficient.
Where are the energy efficient measures? Gas boilers? Really? The plan is to burn fossil fuels for the next 40 years! On an Island where every other car is a Prius and everyone wants to buy a Nissan Leaf, we’re going to buy a building that performs like a Buick and kind of looks like a car dealership, too.
Is there anyone who doesn’t believe natural gas and electricity costs are going to go way up in the next few decades? Yet this building has giant floor-to-roof glass walls facing all sorts of different directions. Are we going to try to heat the entire surrounding countryside?
Oh, but wait, the new high school is built to code! It will out-perform code! Do you know what “code” is? It is the powers that be saying, “Look, this is the absolute minimum. You just can’t construct anything worse than this.” If Apple had followed “code,” we would still be using Commodore 64s.
—Richard Krug