Letters to the Editor | May 23 edition

A reader writes about Vashon Island Fire Rescue.


Below is the letter of interest that I sent to Vashon Island Fire & Rescue regarding the current vacancy for a fire commissioner.

Vashon Island Fire & Rescue:

I have submitted my name because VIFR services support all Vashon and Maury Island residents. A good percentage of services are provided to the senior citizens and persons with disabilities who reside here. I just turned 76 and have retired from Central Washington University, where I provided support to CWU’s Master Teacher Program.

My doctorate is in special education, and I have extensive expertise in disabilities as well as disability law. I recently produced a series of episodes on the Voice of Vashon on Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. As a result of my past activities, I will work hard to support elderly and disabled citizens on the commission, as they are most seriously affected by the policies and services provided by VIFR.

I have lived on Vashon for 35 years and both of my children have gone through Vashon public schools. It is important to me to be involved in my community and provide collaborative input and discourse regarding public and governmental entities. This is exactly what I feel I can bring to VIFR as a commissioner.

My knowledge regarding VIFR is limited to what I have read in public documents as well as my own research. I consider this limited knowledge of VIFR as an asset as opposed to a deficit. I am a quick learner, and getting a deeper knowledge of VIFR would be my first goal. Learning about an agency as a lay person allows me to learn with no pre-conceived biases. Politically, I would consider myself socially liberal and fiscally conservative. As a commissioner, my goal would be to be supportive of all the citizens of Vashon and how the policies and procedures of VIFR affect all these citizens.

I would look forward to being interviewed by the current Board if that would help you in making a final decision. I have included a brief bio and a professional Curriculum Vita for your consideration.

Dr. Steven W. Nourse