Reject H.R. 9495
As many of you know, there is a bill (H.R. 9495) heading to the Senate, which passed in the House, that would threaten free speech under the guise of national security.
It’s a clear reaction to pro-Palestinian protests — and would give the Trump administration officials the power to stifle free speech of organizations they don’t agree with and target disfavored groups.
Imagine if some of our island’s cherished organizations, such as the Backbone Campaign, Indivisible Vashon, or even the Interfaith Council to Prevent Homelessness (among many others) had their nonprofit status revoked because they spoke out against Trump or did something like protecting immigrants or homeless folks in our community? Think of how devastating that would be — and the even greater implications for our country.
This bill could essentially quash any dissent, and would bring all the hallmarks of living under authoritarian rule. This authority could even be used to pressure universities to shut down student protests or activist groups.
We can’t let this bill pass. Let’s stand up for what is just and democratic while we still can.
Please consider calling or writing our senators, demanding that they vote no on this harmful bill. You can also sign the ACLU’s petition by visiting
Bill Jarcho
Last time I checked I was human, but I have trouble trying to understand the rules of human beings.
If I decide to kill one person, and I buy a gun and kill one person — if my fellow humans find out about it, they may arrest me and try me, and if I’m found guilty, sentence me to a long prison term or even to death.
On the other hand, if I team up with a bunch of other people, and we buy land and call ourselves a country, and buy some nuclear weapons and form an army, we can go and kill as many people as we want.
Some people will speak against us, but they won’t do anything to stop us. I learned that from Israel. We can kill a bunch of people and steal their land and people will weep and complain but do nothing.
Why is it bad to kill one person, but killing a whole bunch of people, even children, is okay? Humans are really strange.
Shelley Simon