Kudos to local businesses
As recent happy transplants to Vashon, we, like most homeowners, had a few projects to address.
One involved replacing some French doors whose lights (windows) had failed. Fortuitously, we found Morgan Preston, a local contractor, who along with his crew performed stellar work.
Unfortunately, however, when the protective film was removed from the newly installed doors, we were all shocked to discover noticeable defects in the new lights. Luckily, we had purchased the doors through a local store, Island Lumber.
Holly Zabel, the window and door specialist at the store, was immediately responsive and supportive. Further, Earl Van Buskirk, the store owner, engaged directly with the manufacturer to persuade them to correct the errors.
Marvelously, Island Lumber promptly achieved a fair and appropriate resolution. Even more remarkable, Susan and I did not have to endure painful and time-consuming phone calls, emails, lobbying and/or paperwork often associated with compromised purchases.
Rather, Island Lumber’s deliberate and professional approach achieved a positive result without placing us under any stress. We are certain that a big box store off island would fail to display a similar level of integrity or service. Simply one more genuinely compelling reason to shop local!
Rich and Susan Ahearn
Wildlife Debate Needs Factual Foundation
In response to Jessica Lisovsky’s Jan. 19 letter, concerning wildlife in our state and its management. I would like to correct some of her assertions.
She states that “many species are threatened or endangered – the list included Mourning doves.” Mourning doves, a hunted species, are not listed under the Endangered Species Act.
There has never been an extinction of any species due to regulated hunting in the U.S. since states started regulating hunting beginning in the late 19th century.
She states that “it’s trophy hunting that is causing problems.” I am not sure exactly what she means by trophy hunting, but a trend in management has been to restore more natural wildlife population sex and age structures, for example by limiting harvest of yearling mule deer to allow more animals to enter the mature (e.g. “trophy”) age classes. She laments the Fish and Wildlife Commission’s composition of “retired white male hunters with no real scientific background.” Of the eight recent commissioners, five are women and only three members identify themselves as hunters.
Backgrounds of these commissioners include degrees and professional experience in wildlife biology (two members), environmental science (two), oceanography (two) environmental law (three) and a public health physician. Further, there is no need for commissioners to be scientists; speaking as a scientist, there is good reason to separate science from policy in a democracy.
Although I am a “retired white male hunter,” I am a conservationist first. I support debate on wildlife issues but our debate should take place on a factual foundation.
Frank Shipley