Letters to the editor: Dec. 9


Decision was unwise

When I first heard the school administration was banning “grinding” at Vashon High School dances, I knew Vashon had become a more dangerous place for its teens. An adult whom I trust advised me during a recent dance two boys who were grinding had left more than goodwill on the VHS dance floor and several dancers. That convinced me Vashon had become a much more dangerous place for our teens.

While I did not go to many dances when I attended VHS, I still can say that contrary to Superintendent Soltman’s pronouncement that “grinding is over” or Marcy Summers’ statement that grinding “is now no more on Vashon,” the fact is it has become a cause célèbre among the teens. If those two boys were bold enough to perform a criminal act at a chaperoned VHS dance, one can only imagine what will happen at a party with no adults when alcohol is added to the mix. The opportunity for true coercion will exponentially increase at these parties. It is unfortunate the parents failed to listen to the student leaders like Eli Hoyt who tried to warn them what will happen when the student body migrates to all grinding parties. While grinding may seem “dull” to Marcy Summers, the fact is grinding “belongs” to teens today, as opposed to the other dance venues she suggested.

I only hope that I will never read a future Beachcomber article where a relative might say, “It is tragic about what happened to Bobby. He was such a good boy. I have no idea why he was at that party. Perhaps it was because none of his friends attend the high school dances anymore…”

— Stephen Harvey


Sign’s not necessary

Oh my gosh! Does Vashon really need a flashy “TV advertisement screen” on its streets? It was hard enough to see one in the new 20/20 eyecare waiting room.

But now we have to see one right under the “Island Lumber” sign, every time we go by?

This is Vashon — plain and simple. That’s why I’ve liked it anyway.

— Nannette Cotton Pawlowski