The world is a scary place, with so many things seemingly out of control. There is oil in the Gulf, wars and rumors of wars, an economic crisis that has taken away people’s jobs and homes, leaving them clinging to hope.
Mother Nature shakes the Earth and blows volcanoes into the atmosphere; she rains down too much rain or too little, bringing destruction either way. The Sahara is growing; cropland is shrinking; erosion is taking farm soils into the ocean, along with the poisons we have poured onto those soils.
In times like these, it can feel that the efforts of one person make no difference at all, that the mere photons from one good deed will be lost in the overwhelming darkness.
But this is not true. We all have the ability to share what light we are given. Giving changes one’s outlook on life. It is a sending forward in response to all the blessings we receive each day. Just living on Vashon is one of the richest of those blessings.
I am not talking about huge contributions to charities. I’m talking about giving $5 or $10 a month, conscientiously, continuously, to something you believe in. This sheds light, and if lots of us on the Island did it faithfully, some of the homegrown nonprofits would not have to struggle so hard.
Here are three suggestions of organizations on Vashon that have stood for years, shining as brightly as they can, making their change in this world:
Wolftown: P.O. Box 13115 Burton, 98013
Vashon Island Pet Protectors: P.O. Box 245 Vashon, 98070
Interfaith Council on Homelessness: P.O. Box 330 Vashon, 98070
Each has a Web site, so you can read about their goals, dreams and missions. Each needs the affirmation of their community to restore hope.
We can each contribute
to the beam of light. Vashon can shed a strong beacon. Some of the darkness will have to retreat.
Debbie Butler