Letter to the Editor: Lifeguard should be commended for removing patron

Theo Krah did the right thing and I commend him for it. His instincts were correct. The individual he told to leave the public pool may not have a criminal record, but he is known for unwelcome, intimidating and, frankly, creepy behavior toward several young women on the Island at establishments other than the athletic club and the public pool.

Theo Krah did the right thing and I commend him for it. His instincts were correct. The individual he told to leave the public pool may not have a criminal record, but he is known for unwelcome, intimidating and, frankly, creepy behavior toward several young women on the Island at establishments other than the athletic club and the public pool.

Krah took personal responsibility for protecting children that, as a lifeguard, he was hired to protect. He saw something was off and took action. If he erred, it was on the side of caution rather than protocol.

That’s what I would expect of my park district as well. I would expect the threshold for ejecting someone from our community pool to be something less than a criminal record or illegal act. I would expect the safety of children at its facilities to be as high a priority for the park district as it so evidently is for Mr. Krah.

— Laurie Stewart