Letter to the Editor: K2 rezone didn’t happen behind closed doors

Thank you for the editorial concerning the K2 rezone. I have remained totally puzzled by the persistent “rumor” that this was done behind closed doors. There were not only all of the official notifications sent out by the county, but the re-zone was discussed at several community meetings, including Vashon-Maury Island Community Council meetings where Mr. Bangasser was in attendance. It was discussed by the VMICC Land-Use Committee at several community council meetings and was discussed by Paul Reitenbach from King County at two different community meetings.

Thank you for the editorial concerning the K2 rezone. I have remained totally puzzled by the persistent “rumor” that this was done behind closed doors. There were not only all of the official notifications sent out by the county, but the re-zone was discussed at several community meetings, including Vashon-Maury Island Community Council meetings where Mr. Bangasser was in attendance. It was discussed by the VMICC Land-Use Committee at several community council meetings and was discussed by Paul Reitenbach from King County at two different community meetings.

At a large meeting of the Land Use Committee held in the Land Trust Building, I outlined the changes between industrial zoning, which is very limiting, and commercial zoning, which would allow the building to be used for all of the things the community as a whole and many of our nonprofits had wanted to do with it. I also offered for public review printed copies of dozens of emails between community members concerning the rezone and other K2 related information, all of which had included Mr. Bangasser. At that large meeting, the majority of those in attendance supported the rezone once they understood that it would be to the advantage of the community. However, everyone agreed that since it was no longer going to be a community project, the rezone should be done by the private K2 Commons group that had stepped forward to try to develop the project. That was voted on, and folks seemed totally satisfied. Mr. Bangasser was at that meeting.

The rezone was never a secret. It was vetted at many public meetings and was discussed in The Beachcomber. It was detailed for many weeks on the county’s website that listed the changes that would be included to the county’s Comprehensive Plan, and all the proper notices were mailed out. To find that years later this is still something up for discussion is simply sour grapes.

— Emma Amiad